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Suchergebnis zu
"covered walk":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

query 1/E (max. 1000): 2 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
xystum, xystī ncovered portico or gallery, where the athletes exercised in winter, open colonnade, open portico, a walk planted with trees

xystus, xystī mcovered portico or gallery, where the athletes exercised in winter, open colonnade, open portico, a walk planted with trees

query 1/E (max. 1000): 99 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
ābaetere, ābaetōgo away, walk away,

abambulāre, abambulōwalk away, wander around

adambuāre, adambulōwalk about at a thing, walk about near a thing

adapertus, adaperta, adapertummanifest, open, open to, not locked, ventilated, not veiled, not covered

adumbrātimsketched in shadow, à la silhouette, in general, in outline, as it were covered with shadows, dimly resembling

aerātus, aerāta, aerātumfurnished with copper, furnished with bronze, covered with copper, covered with bronze, having bronze feet, made of bronze, rich

aereus, aerea, aereummade of copper, furnished with copper, covered with copper, furnished with bronze, covered with bronze

aerūginōsus, aerūginōsa, aerūginōsumfull of copper-rust, rusty, covered with verdigris

aestuārium, aestuāriī npart of the sea-coast which, during the flood-tide, is overflowed, but at the ebb-tide is left covered with mud or slime, marsh, channel extending inland from the sea, and only filled with water at floodtide, creek, inlet, air-hole, air-shaft

obambulo obambulōwalk around the Aetna

alicuius laterī adambulōwalk along by someone's side

altus incēdōwalk proudly, carry the head high

ambolāre, ambolō, ambolāvī, ambolātumgo about, walk

ambulābilis, ambulābilewho (what) can walk up and down, who (what) can walk along

ambulācrum, ambulācrī nwalk planted with trees

ambulandō famem obsōnōwhen I go for a walk I buy myself a hearty appetite

ambulātiō antemerīdiānamorning walk

ambulātiō, ambulātiōnis fwalking about, walk, place for walking, promenade

ambulātiuncula, ambulātiunculae fshort walk, small place for walking

ambulātus, ambulātūs mwalking, power to walk

ambulāre, ambulō, ambulāvī, ambulātumgo about, walk, walk for recreation, take a walk, go, travel, journey, navigate, sail, pass over, march

amiculātus, amiculāta, amiculātumdressed with a throw, covered with a throw

arcera, arcerae fcovered carriage for sick persons

arēnātus, arēnāta, arēnātumsanded, covered with sand, mixed with sand

armamaxa, armamaxae f (ἁρμάμαξα)covered Persian chariot (especially for women and children)

aureolus, aureola, aureolumof gold, golden, covered with gold, ornamented with gold, gilded, gold-colored, splendid, brilliant, beautiful

badissāre, badissōgo, walk

badizāre, badizōgo, walk, stride, march

baetere, baetōgo, walk, stride

bētere, bētōgo, walk, stride

bītere, bītōgo, walk, stride

bracteātus, bracteāta, bracteātumcovered with gold-plate, gilt, glistening like gold, splendid, golden, shining only externally, gilded, delusive

bratteātus, bratteāta, bratteātum (bracteātus)covered with gold-plate, gilt, glistening like gold, splendid, golden, shining only externally, gilded, delusive

caenōsus, caenōsa, caenōsumcovered with mud, muddy, filthy

caera, caerae fwax, writing-tablet covered with wax, seal of wax, waxen image of an ancestor, wax figure

caesariātus, caesariāta, caesariātumcovered with hair, having long hair, ornamented with foliage or leaves

cālīginōsus, cālīginōsa, cālīginōsumfull of mist, covered with mist, dark, obscure, gloomy, dark, uncertain, obscure

cālīgōsus, cālīgōsa, cālīgōsumfull of mist, covered with mist, dark, obscure, gloomy, dark, uncertain, obscure

cancellōsus, cancellōsa, cancellōsumcovered with bars, covered with a railing, heavily barred

candēla, candēlae fa light made of wax or tallow, wax-light, tallow-candle, taper, fire, a cord covered with wax

capite adopertōwith head covered

capite involūtōwith head covered, with head cloaked

capite obvolūtōwith head covered, with head cloaked

capite opertōwith head covered

capite vēlātōby covering the head, in disguise, with head covered, hooded

cārectum, cārectī nplace covered with sedge or rushes, sedge-plot

carpentum, carpentī ntwo-wheeled, covered carriage, coach, chariot, wagon or cart for agricultural use, dung-cart

celerī ingressū ūtorhave a fast gait, have a fast walk, go at a fast pace, quicken the pace

cēra, cērae fwax, writing-tablet covered with wax, leaf, page, seal of wax, waxen image of an ancestor, wax figure, wax used in encaustic painting

cērātus, cērāta, cērātumcovered with wax, assembled with wax, waxed

cicātrīcōsus, cicātrīcōsa, cicātrīcōsumfull of scars, covered with scars, amended or polished here and there

cinerulentus, cinerulenta, cinerulentumcovered with ashes

circumambuāre, circumambulōwalk around

circumgredī, circumgredior, circumgressus sumgo around, walk around, travel about

circummeāre, circummeō, circummeāvīwalk all around, go around

comāns, comantishaving long hair, hairy, covered with hair, having a radiant hairy train, adorned with a bush of hair

commūnēs locōs volvōrun about in platitudes, hang about in common places, walk among the commonplaces

cōmāre, cōmō, cōmāvī, cōmptum comātumbe furnished with hair, having long hair, be hairy, be covered with hair, clothe with hair, deck with hair, deck with something like hair

concēdere, concēdō, concessī, concessumgo, walk, go away, walk away, depart, retire, withdraw, remove from, pass away, disappear, vanish, depart from life, die, go out of the way for one, yield to, submit, give way to, adapt one’s self to, yield to power, submit to compulsion

concrūstātus, concrūstāta, concrūstātumentirely covered with a crust, incrusted

condēnsus, condēnsa, condēnsumvery dense, close, thick, thickly covered

cōnspatiārī, cōnspatiorwalk together

cōnstrātus, cōnstrāta, cōnstrātumhooded, covered

corticātus, corticāta, corticātumcovered with a bark, taken from a tree with a portion of the bark

crēbrisūrum, crēbrisūrī na wall densely covered with posts

crīnītus, crīnīta, crīnītumcovered with hair, hairy, having long hair, having long locks, long-haired

cruentus, cruenta, cruentumspotted with blood, covered with blood, stained with blood, bloody, delighting in blood, blood-thirsty, cruel, polluted, bloodred, red

crūstōsus, crūstōsa, crūstōsumcovered with a hard rind, crusted

crypticus, cryptica, crypticumcovered, concealed

cryptoporticus, cryptoporticūs fcovered gallery, covered passage, vault, hall

deambulācrum, deambulācrī nplace to walk in, promenade, walk

deambulātōrium, deambulātōriī ngallery for walking, covered walkway

deambulāre, deambulō, deambulāvī, deambulātumwalk abroad, walk much, take a walk, promenade

dēcurrere, dēcurrō, dēcurrī, dēcursumadvance rapidly, charge, skirmish, walk in armor, run in armor, go over, go through, come to, run through, pass through, betake one’s self to, have recourse to, leave off, go at an end

dēnsus, dēnsa, dēnsumthick, dense, close, compact, thickly set with, thickly covered with, full of, set close, frequent, continuous, strong, powerful, deep, profound, condensed, concise, coarse

dīmidium ferē spatium cōnfēcīhave covered almost half the distance

pedem summīs digitīs suspendōwalk on one's toes

sēmiobrutus, sēmiobruta, sēmiobrutumhalf covered

serniōsus, serniōsa, serniōsumcovered with an eruption, scabby, mangy

spatiārī, spatior, spatiātus sumtake a walk, walk about, promenade, walk along, go, proceed, spread out, expand

spatium, spatiī nroom, space distance, interval, size, bulk, extent walk, promenade, public place, public square, race-course, room in a building, space in a building, action of walking, walk, promenade, turn, course, space of time, period, time, leisure, opportunity, path, race, track

specus, specūs mcave, cavern, grot, den, cavity, chasm, ditch, drain, canal, channel, covered water-course, pit in mines

stēllāre, stēllōbe set with star, be covered with star

superambulāre, superambulōwalk upon or over

supergradī, supergradiorstep over, walk over, go over

tēctus, tēcta, tēctumcovered, hidden, concealed, not frank, not open, not plain, secret, disguised, close, reserved, cautious, enveloped

tēgulicius, tēgulicia, tēguliciumcovered with tiles

tergum cicātrīcōsumback covered with scars

tēstāceus, tēstācea, tēstāceumconsisting of bricks, consisting of tiles, brick-, tile-, covered with a shell, testaceous, brick-colored

tūberātus, tūberāta, tūberātumcovered with knobs, covered with bosses

ūsum pedum āmittōunlearn how to walk, forget how to walk

vādere, vādō, vāsī, vāsumgo, walk, go hastily, go rapidly, rush

vallis condēnsa arboribusvalley densely covered with trees

vēliger, vēligera, vēligerumsail-bearing, covered with sails

vērōsus, vērōsa, vērōsumfull of slime, covered with slime, slimy, having a bad odor, stinking, fetid, poisonous, foul

viam eōtake a walk

vīrōsus, vīrōsa, vīrōsumfull of slime, covered with slime, slimy, having a bad odor, stinking, fetid, poisonous, foul


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