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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 8 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
cōnfūsus, cōnfūsa, cōnfūsumbrought into disorder, confused, perplexed, disorderly

conturbātus, conturbāta, conturbātumdistracted, disturbed, confused, disquieted, diseased, disordered

spīnōsulus, spīnōsula, spīnōsulumsomewhat thorny, obscure, confused

spīnōsus, spīnōsa, spīnōsumfull of thorns, full of prickles, thorny, prickly, harsh, crabbed, obscure, confused, perplexed, stinging, galling, irritating

subinvicemupside down, confused, in a mess, in confusion

tortuōsus, tortuōsa, tortuōsumfull of crooks, full of turns, winding, tortuous, entangled, involved, complicated, confused, painful, torturing

turbidus, turbida, turbidumfull of confusion, full of disorder, wild, confused, disordered, wild, stormy, troubled, thick, muddy, turbid, disturbed, perplexed, violent, boisterous, turbulent, vehement

turbulentus, turbulenta, turbulentumfull of trouble, full of commotion, restless, agitated, confused, disturbed, boisterous, stormy, tempestuous, turbid, muddy, stirred up, aroused, excited, making trouble, troublesome, turbulent, factious, seditious

query 1/E (max. 1000): 22 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
alicuius mentem conturbōmake someone upset, make someone confused

alicuius mentem perturbōmake someone upset, make someone confused

alicuius mentem turbōmake someone upset, make someone confused

aliquid cōnfūsum estsomething is confused

aliquid perturbātum estsomething is confused

animō sum conturbātō et incertōbe completely mentally confused, not knowing where one's head is

complicāta nōtiōobscure term, unclear term, confused term

cōnfūsimin a confused, in a perplexed manner

conturbāre, conturbō, conturbāvī, conturbātumthrow into disorder, throw into confusion, confuse, derange, disorder, confound, exchange in confused multitudes

strāgēs, strāgis fthrowing down, throwing to the ground, overthrowing, overthrow, confusion, confused heap, confused mass, mortal overthrow, defeat, slaughter, massacre, butchery, carnage, overthrow, ruin, destruction

trepidātiō, trepidātiōnis fstate of confused hurry, state of alarm, agitation, confusion, consternation, trepidation

tumultuārius, tumultuāria, tumultuāriumbelonging to bustle, belonging to hurry, belonging to tumult, brought hurriedly together, raised hastily, raised suddenly, that is done in a hurry, that is done hurried, that happens hasty, that is done sudden, that happens confused, that is done irregular

turbidulus, turbidula, turbidulumsomewhat disturbed, somewhat confused

turbidum, turbidī nconfused time, troubled time


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