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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

Suchergebnis zu
"concerns of men":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Lat. Fund; Deut. Fund; Engl. Fund;

In Wendungen bleiben als Einzelwörter unberücksichtigt: of -

query 1/2L (max. 100): 2 Ergebnis(se)
  men piacularem oportet fieri ob stultitiam tuam?mēn piāculārem oportet fierī ob stultitiam tuam?soll ich deine Unbesonnenheit ausbaden?
  men rogas?mēn rogās?du fragst mich erst noch

query 1/E (max. 1000): 70 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
quod mē attinetthis belongs to me, this concerns me

aedēs, aedium f (αἴθω)dwelling for men, house, habitation, obode, room, apartment, chamber, cells of bees, hive of bees, auricle

aedis, aedis fdwelling for men, house, habitation, obode, room, apartment, chamber, cells of bees, hive of bees, ear passage

aevum, aevī nuninterrupted, never-ending time, eternity, lifetime, life, age, old age, generation, men living in the same age, time

aliquid mihi sollicitūdinem affertsomething worries me, something concerns me

aliquid mihi sollicitūdinī estsomething worries me, something concerns me

amplius centummore than a hundred men

andrōn, andrōnis m (Akk. Plur. andrōnas) (ἀνδρών)the part of the house in which the men resided, the men’s apartment (among the Greeks), passage between two walls or courts of a house (among the Romans), hallway, corridor

andrōnītis, andrōnītidis f (Akk. Sgl. andrōnītin)the part of the house in which the men resided, the men’s apartment

antīquitās, antīquitātis fthe quality of being antiquus, age, antiquity, ancient time, occurrences of antiquity, history of ancient times, men of former times, the ancients

archigeron, archigerontis mchief of the old men (a title under the emperors)

arista, aristae fawn of grain, beard of grain, ear, summer, hair of men, bones of fishes, plants

armātī, armātōrum marmed men, soldiers

attasalutation used to old men, father

attinēre, attinet (adtinet), attinuit (+ aci)it concerns, it matters, it is of moment, it is of consequence, it is of importance

bis quinque virī (= decemvirī), the ten men

bracchium, bracchiī narm, forearm (from the hand to the elbow), the whole arm (from the shoulder to the fingers), the limbs of animals (analogous to the arms of men), the claws of crawfish and other sea-fish, branches of trees

brāchium, brāchiī n (βραχίων)arm, forearm (from the hand to the elbow), the whole arm (from the shoulder to the fingers), the limbs of animals (analogous to the arms of men), the claws of crawfish and other sea-fish, branches of trees, the ridges of a mountain

bustuārius, bustuāria, bustuāriumpertaining to the place where dead bodies were burned, that fought at a funeral pile in honor of the dead, upon which men were offered

Caesar cohortātus suōs proelium commīsitCaesar fired up his men and opened the fight

capillus, capillī mthe hair of the head, the hair, the hair of men, the hair of animals, the threads or fibres of plants

caprōnae, caprōnārum fthe hair of men and animals hanging down upon the forehead, forelocks

caprōneae, caprōneārum fthe hair of men and animals hanging down upon the forehead, forelocks

caterva, catervae fcrowd, troop, band of men, flocks, farrago

Catōnēs, Catōnum mmen like Cato

chīliarchēs, chīliarchae m (χιλιάρχης)chiliarch (commander of 1000 men), colonel, prime minister (among the Persians)

chorōna, chorōnae fgarland, chaplet, wreath, crown, objects in the form of a crown, circle of men, assembly, crowd, multitude, the besiegers round a hostile place, line of siege, circumvallation, cornice, elevated ridge of land as a boundary line, hairy crown over the horse’s hoof

circulārī, circulorform a circle (of men) about one’s self, gather in a company or circle for conversation, collect people around one’s self

circumfundimur armīswe are surrounded by armed men

cohortēs quadringēnāriaecohorts of four hundred men each

committere, committō, commīsī, commissumbring into one whole, join, combine into one whole, join together, put together, connect, unite, bring men or animals together in a contest or fight, set together, set on

complēre, compleō, complēvī, complētumfill up, fill full, fill out, make the army of a full number, make a legion of a full number, complete, to man, fill with men, impregnate, fill (with light, with sounds, with odors, with food)

concubium noctisthat part of the night in which the first sleep falls upon men

cōnserta rōbora virōrumthe tightly closed ranks of men

cōpiae, cōpiārum fmen, troops, forces, army

corōna, corōnae fgarland, chaplet, wreath, crown, objects in the form of a crown, circle of men, assembly, crowd, multitude, the besiegers round a hostile place, line of siege, circumvallation, cornice

Croesī, Croesōrum mmen as rich as Croesus, very rich men

cynophanes, cynophanum mmen with dogs’ heads

decaprōtī, decaprōtōrum mthe ten chief men

decemvirī, decemvirōrum mcollege or commission of ten men, the decemviri, the decemvirs, the composers of the Twelve Tables

deōs hominēsque contestorinvoke gods and men as witnesses

deōs hominēsque testificorinvoke gods and men as witnesses

dignitās, dignitātis fbeing worthy, worth, worthiness, merit, desert, dignity, greatness, grandeur, authority, rank, official dignity, honorable employment, office, men holding high office, men in honorable employment, value, excellence

multī et variī timōrēsmany different fears, many different concerns

rēs vertitur in meō forōthe matter concerns me, the matter depends on me, the matter falls within my sphere of responsibility

senēs dēfloccātīold men shorn of locks

septemvir, septemvirī mmember of the Seven Men Board

septemvirī, septemvirōrum m (Gen. Pl. auch septemvirûm)college of seven men, septemvirs

sēvir, sēvirī mmember of a board consisting of six men, sexvir

sexvir, sexvirī mmember of a board consisting of six men, sexvir

suīs annuentibuson the cue from his men, on the hint of his men

supparum, supparī n (σίφαρος)linen garment worn by women or men, small sail on the foremast, topsail

trēsvirī, trēsvirōrumthree men holding an office together, three men associated in public business, board of three, three joint commissioners

triumvirī, triumvirōrum mthree men holding an office together, three men associated in public business, a board of three, three joint commissioners

ūniversī, ūniversōrum mthe whole body of citizens, all men together

uxōrēs aliēnās permolōsleep the wives of other men

vallum armātōrum multitūdinem capit the wall holds the multitude of armed men

verōsus, verōsa, verōsumfond of men, longing after men

vīgintīvir, vīgintīvirī mmember of the board of twenty men

vīgintīvirī, vīgintīvirōrum mcollege of twenty men, board of twenty men

virī clārīmen of merit, deserved men

virī clārī et honōrātīmen in office and dignity

virī experientiā probātīmen of experience, experience men

virī gravitātem adsevērantēsmen of serious nature, men of serious character

virī gravitātem adsevērantēsmen who profess serious principles

vīrī inter sē coeuntthe men meet for the fight

virī multārum rērum experientiā cōgnitīmen of rich experience, versatile experienced men

virī praeteritīformer men, deceased men, men of the past

viridiōres, viridiōrum mmore robust men, more spry men, stronger men

virōsus, virōsa, virōsumfond of men, longing after men

2. Formbestimmung:

Wortform von: concerns

3. Belegstellen für "concerns of men"

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- bei van der Gucht Wortsuche bei Van der Gucht
- bei Wortsuche bei
- bei Google: engl-lat.
- in Zenon: deutsch-lat.
- in Pons: deutsch-lat.
- bei Perseus Wortsuche bei Perseus
- bei Google Wortsuche bei Google-Dict.
- bei Wortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei
- bei Lewis and Short Wortsuche in Lewis and Short
- in: Mittellateinisches Wörterbuch
- in: Du Cange: Glossarium mediae et infimae latinitatis
- in Pons: lat.-deutsch

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