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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

Suchergebnis zu
"concerned with the building of nests":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Deut. Fund; Engl. Fund;

In Wendungen bleiben als Einzelwörter unberücksichtigt: of - the - with -

query 1/3E (max. 1000): 62 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adaggerāre, adaggerō, adaggerāvī, adaggerātumpiling up, hoarding, building up supplies, stockpiling

aedicula, aediculae fsmall building intended for a dwelling, chapel, small temple, niche, shrine, the recess in which the urn was placed, small house, small habitation, small room, closet

aedificātiō, aedificātiōnis fact of building, building, constructing, structure, edifice, building up, instructing, edification

aedificātiuncula, aedificātiunculae flittle building

aedificātor, aedificātōris mbuilder, maker, architect, that is fond of building

aedificātōria, aedificātōriae farchitecture, building craft, building industry

aedificātōrius, aedificātōria, aedificātōriumpertaining to building

aedificiālis, aedificiālepertaining to a building

aedificiolum, aedificiolī nlittle building, little house, little structure

aedificium exstruōperform a building, erect a building

aedificium in longitūdinem decem metrōrum extenditurthe building extends ten metres in length

aedificium, aedificiī nbuilding of any kind, edifice, structure

aedificāre, aedificō, aedificāvī, aedificātumerect a building, build, raise, erect, establish, construct, build up, instruct, edify

amphitheāter, amphitheātrī mamphitheatre, circular or oval building in which each successive seat, raised above the last, furnished an unobstructed view

amphitheātrum, amphitheātrī namphitheatre, circular or oval building in which each successive seat, raised above the last, furnished an unobstructed view

animī meī salūtī prōspiciōbe concerned about one's salvation

antae, antārum fcolumns or pilasters on both door sides of a building

anteaedificiālis, anteaedificiālelocated in front of a building

anxiārī, anxior, anxiātus sumgrieve, worry, be concerned

architectonica, architectonicae fart of building, architecture

architectonicē, architectonicēs fart of building, architecture

architector, architectōris mbuilding artist, master builder, architect

architectūra, architectūrae fart of building, architecture

arcus, arcūs m (arquus, arquūs m)bow, rainbow, bow in building, arch in building, vault, arch, triumphal arch, any thing arched or curved like a bow, mathematical arc

arquus, arquūs mbow, rainbow, bow in building, arch in building, vault, arch, triumphal arch, any thing arched or curved like a bow, mathematical arc

ars Palladisarchitecture, building art

basilica, basilicae fpublic building in the forum, judicial hall, basilica, portico, cathedral church, metropolitan church, cathedral

circuitus, circuitūs mgoing round, circling, revolving, revolution, periodical return of a disease, circuit, compass, way around, open space left around a building, speaking period, circumlocution, periphrasis, roundabout way, indirect procedure

circumitus, circumitūs mgoing round, circling, revolving, revolution, periodical return of a disease, circuit, compass, way around, open space left around a building, speaking period, circumlocution, periphrasis, roundabout way, indirect procedure

coaedificātiō, coaedificātiōnis fjoint construction, building

cōnstrūctiō, cōnstrūctiōnis fa putting together, placing together, joining together, an erecting, building, construction, fit connection, grammatical connection, construction

corium, coriī n (κόριον)skin, hide, leather, rind, skin, bark, covering, shell, leather whip, leather thong, leather strap, the upper surface, a layer, stratum of earth, lime, building of a bee

corius, coriī mskin, hide, leather, rind, skin, bark, covering, shell, leather whip, leather thong, leather strap, the upper surface, a layer, stratum of earth, lime, building of a bee

culmen, culminis nthe top, summit (of a building), roof, gable, cupola, the dome of heaven, mountain summit, crown of the head, top of the prow of a ship, summit, acme, height, point of culmination

Cūria Saliōrumthe official building of the Salii on the Palatine Hill

dē eō nōn labōrōbe beyond it, Don't be concerned about it, don't be bothered by it

decānicum, decānicī nbuilding belonging to the church, courtyard for ten monks

diribitōrium, diribitōriī nbuilding in which the ballots were sorted

mundus omnisworld building, universe, all

mundus ūniversusworld building, universe, all

opus tumultuāriumin haste created building, building created in a hurry

parturīre, parturiō, parturīvīdesire to bring forth, be in travail, be in labor, be big with any thing, be pregnant with any thing, brood over, meditate, purpose, be anxious, be concerned, bring forth, produce, yield, generate, conceive, imagine

senāculum, senāculī n council, hall of the Senate, meeting room, advisory building

spatium, spatiī nroom, space distance, interval, size, bulk, extent walk, promenade, public place, public square, race-course, room in a building, space in a building, action of walking, walk, promenade, turn, course, space of time, period, time, leisure, opportunity, path, race, track

strūctilis, strūctilebelonging to building, that is built or constructed, that is designed or used for building

strūctiō, strūctiōnis fjoining together, building, erecting, construction

strūctor, strūctōris mone who erects a building, builder, mason, carpenter, one who spreads the table, one who serves up food and carves, server, carver

strūctōrius, strūctōria, strūctōriumbelonging to building, architectural

strūctūra, strūctūrae fan architectural fitting together, building, erecting, mode of building, construction, erection, edifice, structure, arrangement, order

superaedificātiō, superaedificātiōnis fbuilding upon

superaedificium, superaedificiī nupper building

superficiēs, superficiēī fthe upper side of a thing, top, surface, building

surgere, surgō, surrēxī, surrēctumlift up, raise up, raise, erect, elevate, rise, arise, get up, stand up, mount up, ascend, rise in growth, spring up, grow up, rise in building, be built, occur, rise to, rise against, attempt, assume, attack

tectonicus, tectonica, tectonicumbelonging to building, architectural, tectonic

tēctum, tēctī n (τέγος, στέγος)covering, roof, ceiling, roofed building

tetrastȳlon, tetrastȳlī nbuilding with four columns, tetrastyle

tībīcen, tībīcinis mpiper, flute-player, flutist, kind of pillar, support of a building, prop of a building

tībicō, tībicōnis mpiper, flute-player, flutist, kind of pillar, support of a building, prop of a building

ūniversitās rērumuniverse, space, outer space, world building

xenodochēum, xenodochēī npublic building for the reception of strangers, caravansary, stranger’s hospital

xenodochīum, xenodochīī npublic building for the reception of strangers, caravansary, stranger’s hospital

xenōn, xenōnis mpublic building for the reception of strangers, caravansary, stranger’s hospital


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