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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 16 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
centuria, centuriae fassemblage or a division consisting of a hundred things of a kind, any division, number of acres of ground, division of troops, century, company

chōrs, chōrtis fcompany of soldiers, division of an army, cohort, troop of cavalry, army, the train or retinue of the praetor in a province, crowd, multitude, company, throng, attendants

coetus, coetūs mcoming together, meeting together, assembling, assemblage, crowd, company, uniting, joining together, combination, sexual intercourse, coition, , ingrafting

cohors, cohortis fcompany, throng, attendants

cohors, cohortis fplace enclosed around, court, enclosure, yard, pen, multitude enclosed, multitude fenced in, company of soldiers, division of an army, cohort, troop of cavalry, army, the train or retinue of the praetor in a province, crowd, multitude, company, throng, attendants

coitus, coitūs ma coming together, meeting together, assembling, assemblage, crowd, company, uniting, joining together, combination, sexual intercourse, coition, ingrafting

collēgium, collēgiī nconnection of associates, connection of colleagues, colleagueship, association, partnership, persons united by the same office, college, guild, corporation, society, union, company, fraternity

comitātus, comitātūs mescort, attending multitude, train, retinue, imperial escort, court, suit, company, band, troop, crowd, swarm

conventus, conventūs ma meeting, assembly, persons associated in a provincial town for the sake of trade, company, corporation, judicial assembly, court of justice, union, conjunction, connection, compact, agreement, covenant

cōrs, cōrtis fmpany of soldiers, division of an army, cohort, troop of cavalry, army, the train or retinue of the praetor in a province, crowd, multitude, company, throng, attendants

decuria, decuriae fa division consisting of ten, decade, division, company, class, association, club

societās mercātōriacompany

sodālicium, sodāliciī nfellowship, friendly intercourse, friendly intimacy, brotherhood, companionship, association, company, society, college, company assembled for feasting, banquetingclub, unlawful secret society

sodālitium, sodālitiī nfellowship, friendly intercourse, friendly intimacy, brotherhood, companionship, association, company, society, college, company assembled for feasting, banquetingclub, unlawful secret society

ūniversitās, ūniversitātis fthe whole, the whole number of things, the whole world, the universe, number of persons associated into one body, society, company, community, guild, corporation

vēxillum, vēxillī nmilitary ensign, standard, banner, flag, red flag placed on the general’s tent, troops belonging to a vexillum, company, troop

query 1/E (max. 1000): 47 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aliquem mēcum habeōhave someone in one's company, have someone in one's environment, have someone with one

assiduōs in domum coetūs arceōto close the door to the company that continually wants to come into the house

assiduus sum cum aliquōalways be in someone's company

caena, caenae fprincipal meal of the Romans, dinner, supper, dish, course, company at table, place of an entertainment

cēna, cēnae f (coena, coenae f)principal meal of the Romans in the early period, taken about midday, dinner, supper, dish, course, company at table, place of an entertainment

cēna, cēnae f (coena, coenae f)principal meal of the Romans, dinner, supper, dish, course, company at table, place of an entertainment

centuriātim mīlitēs prōdūcōhave the soldiers perform by company

circulārī, circulorform a circle (of men) about one’s self, gather in a company or circle for conversation, collect people around one’s self

coena, coenae fprincipal meal of the Romans in the early period, dinner, supper, dish, course, company at table, place of an entertainment

cohors, cohortis fplace enclosed around, court, enclosure, yard, pen, the multitude enclosed in, the multitude fenced in, company of soldiers, division of an army, cohort, auxiliary troops, allies, troop of cavalry, army, retinue of the praetor in a province, crowd, multitude

commeātus, commeātūs main, convoy, caravan, company carried, transportation, trip, passage, remaining supplies of war, gain acquired by money transactions

commīlitāre, commīlitōbe a companion in war, fight in company

competere, competō, competīvī (competiī), competītumstrive after something in company, strive after something together, meet together, come together, coincide, agree, meet, happen

concorporālis, concorporālebelonging to the same body or company

condīscere, condīscō, condidicīlearn with one, learn in company with one, learn carefully, learn eagerly, learn well, learn thoroughly

congregārī, congregor, congregātumgather together, flock together, come together, live in company, assemble

cōnsuētūdine aliquem dēvinciōbind someone to oneself by one's company, bind someone to oneself by one's association,

cōnsuētūdine coniūnctus sum cum aliquōkeep company with someone, to associate with someone

conversārī, conversor, conversātus sumabide, live somewhere, dwell somewhere, live with, have intercourse with, keep company with, pass one’s life

convīvium, convīviī na living together, meal in company, social feast, entertainment, banquet, company at table, guests

cum + Abl.with, together, together with, in connection with, in company with, along with

cūra vectūrāriaforwarding agency, haulage company, freight transport company, loading company

sessiuncula, sessiunculae fa little group assembled for amusement, meeting for amusement, company assembled for amusement

sociālitersocially, for the sake of company

societās autocinēticaautomobile company

societās industriālisindustrial enterprise, industrial plant, industrial company

societās mercātōriatrading company

societās multinātiōnālismultinational concern, multinational company

societās, societātis fstock corporation, public limited company

sodālitās, sodālitātis ffellowship, companionship, brotherhood, friendship, intimacy, society, association, company assembled for feasting, banqueting-club, unlawful secret society

ūnāin one and the same place, at the same time, in company, together


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