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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 15 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
cliēns, clientis m (cluēns) (cluo, κλύω)one who hears, client, retainer, follower, adherent, companion, favorite

cluēns, cluentis mone who hears, client, retainer, follower, adherent, companion, favorite

collaterālis, collaterālis mcompanion, mate, fellow

collēga, collēgae mone who is chosen at the same time with another, partner in office, colleague, associate, companion, fellow, fellow-member of a club, fellow-member of a sodalitia, joint-guardian, fellow-slave, fellow-actor, joint-heir

comes, comitis ccompanion, associate, comrade, partaker, sharer, partner, overseer, tutor, teacher, suite

compār, comparis can equal, companion, comrade, colleague, one beloved, spouse, consort, mate, figure of speech whereby several members of a period have an equal number of syllables

coniuga, coniugae fone who is united in marriage, consort, spouse, wife, husband, the female, betrothed, bride, concubine, comrade, companion, attendant, fellow-slave

coniūnx, coniugis c (coniūx)one who is united in marriage, consort, spouse, wife, husband, the female, betrothed, bride, concubine, comrade, companion, attendant, fellow-slave

coniūx, coniugis cone who is united in marriage, consort, spouse, wife, husband, the female, betrothed, bride, concubine, comrade, companion, attendant, fellow-slave

cōnsocius, cōnsociī mpartaker, aid, companion

contubernālis, contubernālis mtent-companion, tent-comrade, a young man who, in order to become familiar with military service, attended a general in war, attendant, comrade, companion, mate, husband of a slave

conturmālis, conturmālis mone of the same squadron, companion

socia, sociae fcompanion, partner, co-owner

socius, sociī mfellow, sharer, partner, copartner, comrade, companion, associate

soror, sorōris fsister, cousin, daughter of a father’s brother, female friend, playmate, companion, female Christians

query 1/E (max. 1000): 39 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
coëpulōnus, coëpulōnī ma fellowbanqueter, companion at a feast

collūsor, collūsōris mcompanion in play, playmate, he who has a secret understanding with one to the injury of a third

combibō, combibōnis mpot companion, drinking companion

comes fugaecompanion on the run

commartyr, commartyris mfellow-martyr, companion in martyrdom

commīlitāre, commīlitōbe a companion in war, fight in company

commīlitō, commīlitōnis mcomrade, companion in war, fellow-soldier

commiserō, commiserōnis mcompanion in misfortune

comprānsor, comprānsōris mcompanion in a banquet, boon companion

concēna, concēnae mtable companion, tablemate

concera, concerae mjolly companion, playfellow

concerra, concerrae mjolly companion, playfellow

condiscēns, condiscentis mschool-mate, companion at school

condīscipulus, condīscipulī mschool-mate, companion at school

congerra, congerrae mjolly companion, playfellow

congerrō, congerrōnis mjolly companion, playfellow

cōnservus, cōnservī mfellow-slave, companion in servitude

contīroleta, contīroletae mhunting companion, fellow hunter

convīctor, convīctōris mhe who lives with one, table companion, messmate, familiar friend

convīva, convīvae mone who feasts with another, a table companion, guest, as a guest I hold back in eating

cōservus, cōservī mfellow-slave, companion in servitude

Dēmodocus, Dēmodocī mcompanion of Aeneas

Dēmophoōn, Dēmophoontis mcompanion of Aeneas

victōriae Pompēī comes esse vultwant to be companion of Pompey in victory


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