| | a me ipse deficio | ā mē ipse dēficiō | weiche von meinen Grundsätzen ab | | | |
| | aggeribus ruptis exit amnis | aggeribus ruptis exit amnis | nach dem Dammbruch ergießt sich der Flussafter the dam bursts, the river pours out | | | |
| | aliquid mihi commodum accidit | aliquid mihi commodum accidit | etwas kommt mir gelegen | | | |
| | | | etwas kommt mir gerade rechtsomething comes in handy, something comes just in time, something comes my way | | | |
| | | | etwas kommt mir zupass | | | |
| | an me ipse retexam? | an mē ipse retexam? | soll ich mich selbst umarbeiten?should i rework myself?, should i make myself into a different person? | | | |
| | | | soll ich mich zu einem anderen Menschen machen? | | | |
| | animus a se ipse dissidens | animus ā sē ipse dissidēns | ein mit sich selbst entzweites Gemüta mind divided with itself | | | |
| | apud me ipse decido, ut ... | apud mē ipse dēcīdō, ut ... | komme mit mir ins Reine, dass ...come clean with oneself, that | | | |
| | calumnior ipse | calumnior ipse | ängstige mich ohne Not | | | |
| | commodum | commodum | eben | | | |
| | | | gerade | | | |
| | | | gerade rechtat a fit time, just in time, at the very nick, at the very moment, opportunely, seasonably | | | |
| | | | soeben | | | |
| | commodum ... et ... | commodum ... et ... | eben gerade... und ... | | | |
| | commodum ..., cum ... | commodum ..., cum ... | gerade..., als...just - when | | | |
| | commodum alicuius exspecto | commodum alicuius exspectō | warte, bis es jdm. genehm istwait until it is convenient for someone | | | |
| | commodum aperitur foris | commodum aperītur foris | gerade eben wird die Tür geöffnetjust now the door is opened | | | |
| | commodum discesserat, cum ... | commodum discesserat, cum ... | gerade war er weggegangen, als ...he had just left when | | | |
| | commodum est | commodum est | es gefällt | | | |
| | | | es ist genehmit is approved, it likes, it pleases | | | |
| | commodum, commodi n | commodum, commodī n | Bequemlichkeit | | | |
| | | | gelegene Zeit | | | |
| | | | geliehenes Gut | | | |
| | | | Glück | | | |
| | | | günstige Lage | | | |
| | | | günstiger Zeitpunkt | | | |
| | | | Interesse | | | |
| | | | Nutzen | | | |
| | | | Vorteilconvenient opportunity, favorable condition, convenience, advantage, profit, reward, pay, stipend, salary, wages for public service, favor, privilege, immunity, useful thing, a good, that which is lent, a loan | | | |
| | | | Wohl | | | |
| | | | Zuträglichkeit | | | |
| | commodus, commoda, commodum | commodus, commoda, commodum | angemessenthat has a due or proper measure, complete, perfect, of full weight or measure, fit, suitable, due, proper, convenient, opportune, commodious, easy, appropriate, favorable, friendly to | | | |
| | | | artig | | | |
| | | | bequem | | | |
| | | | bereitwillig | | | |
| | | | bescheiden | | | |
| | | | entsprechend | | | |
| | | | freundlichserving a neighbor or accommodating one’s self to his wishes, useful, serviceable, pleasant, agreeable, obliging, neighborly, friendly, polite, affable, gentle | | | |
| | | | geeignet | | | |
| | | | gefällig | | | |
| | | | gefügig | | | |
| | | | gehörig | | | |
| | | | gelegen | | | |
| | | | gewinnend | | | |
| | | | günstig | | | |
| | | | gut | | | |
| | | | gut in seiner Art | | | |
| | | | leicht | | | |
| | | | maßvoll | | | |
| | | | nach gehörigem Maß | | | |
| | | | nachgiebig | | | |
| | | | nachsichtig | | | |
| | | | passend | | | |
| | | | recht | | | |
| | | | schicklich | | | |
| | | | taktvoll | | | |
| | | | tauglich | | | |
| | | | treffend | | | |
| | | | umgänglich | | | |
| | | | vollkommen | | | |
| | | | vollständig | | | |
| | | | würdig | | | |
| | | | zusagend | | | |
| | | | zuvorkommend | | | |
| | | | zweckdienlich | | | |
| | | | zweckmäßig | | | |
| | contra valetudinis commodum | contrā valētūdinis commodum | zum Nachteil der Gesundheitto the detriment of health | | | |
| | cum erit tuum commodum | cum erit tuum commodum | sobald es dir genehm istas soon as it suits you, when it is convenient for you | | | |
| | et ipse | et ipse | selbst auch er | | | |
| | etiam ipse | etiam ipse | selbst auch er | | | |
| | exit dies | exit diēs | die Frist läuft ab [indutiarum] | | | |
| | | | die Frist verstreicht [indutiarum] | | | |
| | fi cognitor ipse | fī cōgnitōr ipse | ficht deine Sache vor Gericht selbst durch | | | |
| | homo se ipse nimis amans | homō sē ipse nimis amāns | Narziss | | | |
| | homo sibi ipse placatus | homō sibi ipse plācātus | ein in sich ruhender Mensch | | | |
| | | | jd. der mit sich selbst eins ist | | | |
| | ille ipse | ille ipse | eben jener | | | |
| | ipse etiam | ipse etiam | selbst auch er | | | |
| | ipse in eo proelio caesus est | ipse in eō proeliō caesus est | er selbst wurde in diesem Kampf getötet | | | |
| | ipse me compungo meis acuminibus | ipse mē compungō meīs acūminibus | schneide mir ins eigene Fleisch | | | |
| | ipse mihi assentor | ipse mihi assentor | schmeichele mir selbst | | | |
| | ipse mihi supervivo | ipse mihi supervīvō | überlebe mich selbst | | | |
| | ipse pro me oro | ipse prō mē ōrō | halte selbst für mich die Verteidigungsrede | | | |
| | ipse quoque | ipse quoque | selbst auch er | | | |
| | ipse viderit | ipse vīderit | er mag selbst zusehenhe may watch himself, I don't care about that, it's none of my business | | | |
| | ipse, ipsa, ipsum | ipse, ipsa, ipsum | an und für sich | | | |
| | | | direkt | | | |
| | | | eben | | | |
| | | | genau (bei Zeitangaben = just) | | | |
| | | | gerade | | | |
| | | | in eigener Person | | | |
| | | | persönlich | | | |
| | | | schon | | | |
| | | | selber | | | |
| | | | selbst | | | |
| | | | sogar | | | |
| | | | von selbst | | | |
| | me ipse aperio, quis sim | mē ipse aperiō, quis sim | verrate mich selbst | | | |