Suchergebnis zu |
ab alicuius cervicibus aliquid depello (repello) | ab alicuius cervīcibus aliquid dēpellō (repellō) | schaffe jdm. etwas vom Hals | |||||
alicuius cervici imponor | alicuius cervīcī impōnor | hocke jdm. auf | |||||
setze mich auf jds. Schulternsit on someone's neck, squeeze someone's neck | |||||||
alicuius iugum rigida cervice subeo | alicuius iugum rigidā cervīce subeō | füge mich nur sträubend unter jds. Jochonly submitting reluctantly under someone's yoke | |||||
aliquid in capite et in cervicibus est | aliquid in capite et in cervīcibus est | habe etw. am Hals hängenhave something hanging on the neck, have something weighing on the head and neck | |||||
aliquid in cervicem accipio | aliquid in cervīcem accipiō | halse mir etw. aufsaddle oneself with something, take on a burden | |||||
aliquid in cervicibus est | aliquid in cervīcibus est | habe etw. am Hals hängenhave something hanging on the neck | |||||
aliquid supra caput est | aliquid suprā caput est | habe etw. am Hals hängenhave something hanging on the neck, have something sitting on the back of the neck | |||||
alta cervice | altā cervīce | sorgloscarefree, unconcerned, unworried | |||||
bellum ingens in cervicibus erat | bellum ingēns in cervīcibus erat | ein gewaltiger Krieg stand unmittelbar bevora mighty war was imminent | |||||
boum cervices natae ad iugum | boum cervīcēs nātae ad iugum | der Nacken der Rinder ist von der Natur für das Joch bestimmtthe neck of the cattle is intended by nature for the yoke | |||||
cervicem repono | cervīcem repōnō | trage den Hals hochcarry up the neck, carry up the head (vom eitlen Redner) | |||||
cervices alicui do | cervīcēs alicuī dō | biete jdm. den Nackenlet someone kill you, offer someone the neck | |||||
lasse mich töten von jdm. | |||||||
cervices alicui frango | cervīcēs alicuī frangō | breche jdm. den Halsbreak someone's neck | |||||
cervices alicuius frango | cervīcēs alicuius frangō | breche jdm. den Halsbreak someone's neck | |||||
cervices civium Romanorum frangebantur | cervīcēs cīvium Rōmānōrum frangēbantur | römische Bürger wurden hingerichtetRoman citizens were executed, Roman citizens had their necks broken | |||||
cervices crudelitati do | cervīcēs crūdelitātī dō | füge mich in das Joch der Grausamkeitsubmit to the yoke of cruelty, put up with cruelty patiently | |||||
lasse mir die Grausamkeit geduldig gefallen | |||||||
gladius cervicibus impendet | gladius cervīcibus impendet | das Schwert hängt über dem Nacken | |||||
hostis in alicuius cervicibus est | hostis in alicuius cervīcibus est | der Feind sitzt jdm. im Nacken | |||||
ictus cervici datus | ictus cervīcī datus | Nackenschlag (eigener Vorschlag) | |||||
in alicuius cervice pendeo | in alicuius cervīce pendeō | hänge an jds. Hals | |||||
in alicuius cervicibus sto (sum) | in alicuius cervīcibus stō (sum) | sitze jemandem im Nacken | |||||
in capite atque in cervicibus nostris restiterunt | in capite atque in cervīcibus nostrīs restitērunt | sie sind drohend über unserem Haupt und Nacken zurückgeblieben | |||||
iugum servile a cervicibus urbis deicio | iugum servīle ā cervīcibus urbis dēiciō | schüttele das Joch der Knechtschaft von der Stadt ab | |||||
laxa cervice | laxā cervīce | in lockerer Haltung | |||||
meam ipse cervicem perfringo | meam ipse cervīcem perfringō | breche mir das Genick | |||||
plaga cervici inflicta | plāga cervīcī īnflīcta | Nackenschlag (eigener Vorschlag) | |||||
sarcinae cervicem suppono | sarcinae cervīcem suppōnō | nehme die Last auf meine Schultern | |||||
velut in cervicibus habeo hostem | velut in cervīcibus habeō hostem | habe den Feind gleichsam im Nacken sitzenhave the enemy as it were sitting in the neck |
[3] Nom. Sgl. von | cervīx, cervīcis f (meist pl.: cervīcēs, cervīcum f) Hals; Nacken; Genick; Hinterhals; |