| | acie cedo | aciē cēdō | ziehe mich aus der Schlacht zurück | | | |
| | alicui cedo | alicuī cedō | beuge mich jemandemyield to one, give the preference or precedence, give place to, submit to | | | |
| | | | falle jdm. als Besitz zucome to, fall to one (as a possession), fall to his lot or share, accrue | | | |
| | alicui currum cedo | alicuī currum cēdō | verzichte zu jds. Gunsten auf den Triumph(wagen)renounce triumph in someone's favour | | | |
| | alicui nulla in re cedo | alicuī nūllā in rē cēdō | stehe jdm. in nichts zurückstand behind someone in nothing | | | |
| | aliquid in manibus est | aliquid in manibus est | etwas ist mit Händen zu greifensomething is tangible, something is palpable | | | |
| | aliquid manibus tenetur | aliquid manibus tenētur | etwas springt in die Augensomething jumps into the eyes | | | |
| | ambabus manibus arripio | ambābus manibus arripiō | greife mit beiden Händen zugrasp with both hands (wörtl.) | | | |
| | aquam a pumice postulo | aquam a pūmice pōstulō | verlange von jdm. etw. Unmöglichesask someone to do something impossible, demand something impossible from someone | | | |
| | aquam calefacto | aquam calefactō | erwärme das Wasserheat the water, warm the water | | | |
| | aquam deduco | aquam dēducō | entwässeredrain, divert the water | | | |
| | aquam do | aquam dō | gestatte Redezeit (Wasseruhr)give speaking time | | | |
| | aquam et ignem peto | aquam et īgnem petō | fordere vom Feind Unterwerfungdemand submission from the enemy | | | |
| | aquam ex flumine derivo | aquam ex flūmine dērīvō | leite Wasser aus dem Fluss abdrain water from the river | | | |
| | aquam frigidam subdole suffundo | aquam frīgidam subdole suffundō | schmähe | | | |
| | | | übergieße mit kaltem Wasser | | | |
| | | | verleumdethrow cold water upon, calumniate, inveigh against | | | |
| | aquam per hortum duco | aquam per hortum dūcō | leite Wasser durch den Gartenconducting water through the garden | | | |
| | aquam perdo | aquam perdō | bringe die Zeit mit Reden unnütz hinwaste time talking | | | |
| | aquam praebeo | aquam praebeō | bin Gastgeberbe a host, invite to the table | | | |
| | | | lade zu Tisch | | | |
| | | | reiche Wasser zum Händewaschen | | | |
| | aquam removeo | aquam removeō | entwässeredrain, dehydrate | | | |
| | aquam subeo | aquam subeō | tauche unter im Wassersubmerge in water | | | |
| | aquam utribus gesto | aquam utribus gestō | lasse Wasser in Schläuchen tragenlet water be carried in hoses | | | |
| | aquam verto in subiecta | aquam vertō in subiecta | leite das Wasser in die Niederungen abdrain the water into the lowlands | | | |
| | arma alicui e manibus extorqueo | arma alicuī ē manibus extorqueō | entwaffne jdn.disarm someone | | | |
| | bonis alicui cedo | bonīs alicuī cedō | trete mein Eigentum jemandem abcede one’s property in favor of a person | | | |
| | cedo | cedo (plur. cette) | bring her! | | | |
| | | | da nimm nur! | | | |
| | | | da sieh nur! | | | |
| | | | denk dir mal! | | | |
| | | | gib her! | | | |
| | | | her damit!hither with it!, here!, give!, tell, say, give here, bring here, let us hear, tell, out with it, grant that, let me, behold, well | | | |
| | | | her mit! | | | |
| | | | heraus damit! | | | |
| | | | hol her! | | | |
| | | | lass hören! | | | |
| | | | sag' an! | | | |
| | | | schaff her! | | | |
| | | | wohlan! | | | |
| | cedo 3 | cēdere, cēdō, cessī, cessum | eile dahin (von der Zeit) | | | |
| | | | entferne mich | | | |
| | | | falle anheim | | | |
| | | | füge mich | | | |
| | | | gebe auf (+ Abl.) | | | |
| | | | gebe nach | | | |
| | | | gehego, be in motion, move, walk, go along, have some result, eventuate, happen, result, turn out, work, turn out well or ill, succeed or fail | | | |
| | | | gehe einher | | | |
| | | | gehe fort | | | |
| | | | gehe über (wohin) (in rem - in etw.) | | | |
| | | | gehe vonstatten | | | |
| | | | gehe weg | | | |
| | | | gehe zurück (von Truppen) | | | |
| | | | gelange | | | |
| | | | gelte dafür | | | |
| | | | gestehe zu (ut + Konj. - dass ...) | | | |
| | | | komme | | | |
| | | | laufe ab | | | |
| | | | lenke ein | | | |
| | | | ordne mich unter | | | |
| | | | passiere (durchschreite) | | | |
| | | | räume ein (ut + Konj. - dass ...) | | | |
| | | | scheide (intr.) | | | |
| | | | scheide aus (intr.) | | | |
| | | | schlage aus (laufe ab) | | | |
| | | | schreite einher | | | |
| | | | schwinde | | | |
| | | | stehe ab | | | |
| | | | stehe ab (+ Abl.) | | | |
| | | | stehe nach | | | |
| | | | stehe zurück (alicui - hinter jdm.) | | | |
| | | | trete ab | | | |
| | | | trete zurück (alicui aliquid - zu jds. Gunsten vom Besitz einer Sache) | | | |
| | | | überlasse | | | |
| | | | unterliege | | | |
| | | | vergehe | | | |
| | | | verlaufe | | | |
| | | | verschwinde | | | |
| | | | verwandele mich (in etw.) | | | |
| | | | verzichte (aliqua re - auf etw.) | | | |
| | | | weicheremove, withdraw, go away from, depart, retire, abandon, withdraw from, pass away, disappear, vanish, yield to, give place to | | | |
| | | | werde gerechnet als | | | |
| | | | werde überlassen | | | |
| | | | werde zu etw. | | | |
| | | | werde zuteil (jdm.) | | | |
| | | | widerfahre | | | |
| | | | ziehe mich zurück (von Truppen) | | | |
| | cedo alicui imperium | cēdō alicuī imperium | überlasse jdm. das Kommandoleave someone in command, cede command to someone | | | |
| | cedo alicui regnum | cēdō alicuī rēgnum | trete jdm. die Macht abhand over power to someone, cede power to someone | | | |
| | cedo aurum mi | cedo aurum mī | gib mir das Gold her!give me the gold! | | | |
| | cedo dextram | cedo dextram | gib die Rechte!give the hand! | | | |
| | cedo dum | cedo dum | her denn damit! | | | |
| | | | heraus denn damit! | | | |
| | cedo experiamur | cedo experiamur | wohlan, lass uns probieren!well, let's try it! | | | |
| | cedo igitur, quid faciam | cedo igitur, quid faciam | heraus damit, was ich machen soll!out with it, what do you want me to do! | | | |
| | cedo in aliquem | cedō in aliquem | falle jdm. als Besitz zucome to, fall to one (as a possession), fall to his lot or share, accrue | | | |
| | cedo istuc tuum consilium | cedo istuc tuum cōnsilium | heraus mit diesem deinem Plan!out with this plan of yours! | | | |
| | cedo ut ... | cedo ut ... | her damit, auf dass ich ...give it to me, so that I | | | |