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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 17 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
accūrātēcarefully, nicely, exactly

accūrātimcarefully, nicely, exactly


attentēattentively, carefully, with marked attention

blandēsoothingly, flatteringly, courteously, carefully, gently, softly

blanditersoothingly, flatteringly, courteously, carefully, gently, softly

blandumsoothingly, flatteringly, courteously, carefully, gently, softly

conquīsītēcarefully, with much pains

cūrātēcarefully, diligently

cūriōsēwith care, carefully, inquisitively, curiously

cūriōsēwith care, carefully, inquisitively, curiously

dīligentercarefully, attentively, diligently

sēdulēbusily, diligently, carefully

sēdulōbusily, diligently, industriously, eagerly, carefully, zealously, unremittingly, assiduously, solicitously, sedulously

sollicitēcarefully, punctiliously, anxiously, with grief, with solicitude

studiōsēeagerly, zealously, anxiously, carefully, studiously

vigilanterwatchfully, carefully, vigilantly

query 1/E (max. 1000): 42 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
abscondere, abscondō, abscondidī, absconditum (abscōnsum)put away, conceal carefully, hide, secrete, make invisible, cover, put a place out of sight, lose sight of, depart from

accūrāre, accūro (adcūro), accūrāvi, accūrātumtake care of, to do a thing with care, treat one carefully, regale a guest

adarāre, adarōplough carefully

adcūrāre, adcūro, adcūrāvi, adcūrātumtake care of, do a thing with care, treat one carefully, regale a guest

ad vīvum resecōcut something up to the meat, cut something very deep, take something very carefully

animum sēdulō adversō, nē ...precisely and persistently watch out that not, carefully watch out that not

attentius spectōlook more carefully, look more attentively

commeditārī, commeditorimpress carefully on one’s mind, practise, imitate

concēlāre, concēlō, concēlāvīconceal carefully, cover up

concultus, conculta, concultumcarefully maintained

concūstōdīre, concūstōdiō, concūstōdīvī, concūstōdītumto guard, watch carefully

condecorāre, condecorō, condecorāvī, condecorātumto ornament, decorate, adorn excessively or carefully

condīscere, condīscō, condidicīlearn with one, learn in company with one, learn carefully, learn eagerly, learn well, learn thoroughly

conquaerere, conquaerō, conquaesīvī, conquaesītumseec for, search for, procure, bring together, collect, seek after, go in quest of, make search for, seek for with earnestness, search out eagerly, search out carefully

conquīrere, conquīrō, conquīsīvī, conquīsītumseec for, search for, procure, bring together, collect, seek after, go in quest of, make search for, seek for with earnestness, search out eagerly, search out carefully

cōnsīderāre, cōnsīderō, cōnsīderāvī, cōnsīderātumlook at closely, look at attentively, look at carefully, inspect, examine, observe, perceive, consider maturely, reflect, contemplate, meditate, take care, be considerate

cōnsilia animō circumspiciōconsider the plans carefully

contuērī, contueor, contuitus sumlook on, gaze upon, behold, survey, consider attentively, take into view, weigh, ponder maturely, observe, see to, take care of, preserve carefully, get sight of, perceive, descry

contuī, contuorlook on, gaze upon, behold, survey, consider attentively, take into view, weigh, ponder maturely, observe, see to, take care of, preserve carefully, get sight of, perceive, descry

corruspārī, corrusporsearch carefully after

cum cūrā dīligentiāque scrīberewrite very carefully

dēcoctior, dēcoctiusriper, more carefully elaborated

dēlīberābundus, dēlīberābunda, dēlīberābundumweighing carefully, considering, reflecting, deliberating

diligenter perpendō, perpendī, perpēnsumcheck carefully, check precisely, check rigorously, check thoroughly, subject to careful scrutiny, weigh up carefully and from all sides

vitia virtūtēsque perpendōcarefully weigh the faults against the merits


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