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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 2 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
collȳris, collȳridis froll, cake, head-dress of women, plant, also called malva erratica

secīvum, secīvī n cake, pancake

query 1/E (max. 1000): 19 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
artolaganus, artolaganī mkind of bread or cake (made of meal, wine, milk, oil, lard, and pepper

augumentum, augumentī nan increase, growth, augmentation, kind of sacrificial cake

balteum, balteī nbelt, swordbelt, swordband passing over the shoulder, belly-band of a horse, border, rim, edge, circle, zodiac, the crust of a cake, the bark of the willow, the vacant space between the seats in the amphitheatre, strapping, blow with a belt

balteus, balteī m (balteum, balteī n)girdle, belt, swordbelt, swordband passing over the shoulder, belly-band of a horse, border, rim, edge, circle, zodiac, the crust of a cake, the bark of the willow, strapping, blow with a belt

catumeum, catumeī n(a kind of) sacrificial cake, offering cake

cōnspolium, cōnspoliī n kind of sacrificial cake

copta, coptae fkind of cake made of pounded materials

coptoplacenta, coptoplacentae fkind of cake made of pounded materials

sāvillum, sāvillī ncheese cake

spaerīta, spaerītae mkind of round cake

sphaerīta, sphaerītae mkind of round cake

spīra, spīrae fthat which is wound, that which is wreathed, that which is coiled, that which is twisted, coil, fold, twist, spire, base of a column, kind of twisted cake, cracknel, coil of rope, braid of hair, twisted tie for fastening the hat under the chin, a confused crowd of

spīrula, spīrulae fsmall twisted cake, small twisted cracknel

suāvillum, suāvillī nkind of sweet cake, confectionery

tēstuātium, tēstuātiī ncake baked in an earthen cup, cup-cake

turunda, turundae fball of paste for fattening geese, kind of sacrificial cake, tent or roll of lint for wounds

turunda, turundae fball of paste for fattening geese, kind of sacrificial cake, tent or roll of lint for wounds


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