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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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Suchergebnis zu

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 13 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aquōsus, aquōsa, aquōsumabounding in water, rainy, moist, humid, full of water, rainy, bright, clear, pellucid

argūtus, argūta, argūtumclear, bright, glancing, lively, penetrating, piercing, clear-sounding, sharp, noisy, rustling, whizzing, rattling, clashing, chirping, murmuring, rustling

candēns, candentisshining, dazzling, white, bright, glowing, white

candidus, candida, candidumof a shining white, of a dazzling white, white, clear, bright, radiant, hoary, making clear, cloud-dis-pelling, purifying, pure, clear, serene, clean, spotless, distinct, silver-toned

clārus, clāra, clārumclear, bright, shining, brilliant, making clear, bringing fair weather, loud, distinct, manifest, plain, evident, intelligible, celebrated, renowned, illustrious, honorable, famous, glorious, notorious

dīlūcidus, dīlūcida, dīlūcidumclear, bright, plain, distinct, evident

serēnus, serēna, serēnumclear, fair, bright, serene, cheerful, glad, joyous, tranquil

sīdereus, sīderea, sīdereumbelonging to the constellations, belonging to the stars, starry, heavenly, divine, bright, glittering, shining, excellent, brilliant, divine

sitiēns, sitientisthirsting, thirsty, athirst, dry, parched, arid, without moisture, cloudless, bright, parching, thirsting for, desiring eagerly, greedy

splendēre, splendeō, splenduīshine, bright, gleam, glitter, glisten

splendidus, splendida, splendidumbright, shining, glittering, brilliant, illustrious, distinguished, noble, showy, fine, specious

splendificus, splendifica, splendificumbrilliant, shiny, bright

sūdus, sūda, sūdumwithout moisture, dry, cloudless, bright, clear

query 1/E (max. 1000): 31 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aethēr, aetheris m (Akk.: aethera) (αἰθήρ)the upper air, pure air, bright air, ether, heaven, the upper world, the earth, the brightness surrounding a deity, son of Chaos, father of Caelum

aethera, aetherae fthe upper air, pure air, bright air, ether, heaven, the upper world, the earth, the brightness surrounding a deity

aethra, aethrae f (αἴθρα)the upper air, pure air, the bright sky, clear sky, serene sky, sky, air, heavens

aiquid clārum existitsomething shows up in bright light

caelum est splendidissimumthere is bright sunshine

candidāre, candidō, candidāvīmake glittering, make bright, make white

carbunculus, carbunculī msmall coal, burning sorrow, devouring sorrow, kind of sandstone, red toph-stone, reddish, bright kind of precious stone, kind of tumor, carbuncle, disease of plants caused by hoar-frost

clārēre, clāreōbe clear, be bright, shine, be obvious, be clear, be evident, be manifest, be distinguished, be illustrious, be famous, be renowned

clārēscere, clārēscō, clāruībecome bright, grow bright, become clear, grow clear, begin to shine, become visible, sound clear, become audible, become manifest, become evident, become obvious, become illustrious, become famous, become renowned

clārisonae vōcēsbright voices

clārāre, clārō, clārāvī, clārātummake bright, make clear, make illuminate, make evident, explain, illustrate, set forth, make illustrious, render famous

collūcēre, collūceōgive light on every side, shine brightly, be wholly illuminated, be bright, be brilliant, shine, be resplendent

scintilla, scintillae fbright point, sparkling point

serēnum, serēnī nclear sky, bright sky, serene sky, fair weather

splendēscere, splendēscō, splenduībecome bright, become shining, derive lustre

splendificāre, splendificōmake bright, brighten, illumine

sūdum, sūdī nbright weather, clear weather

vōx liquātabright voice, pure voice


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