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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 11 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
afflātus, afflātūs m (adflātus)a blowing on, breathing on, a breeze, blast, breath, flash of light, glow of light, afflation of the divine spirit, inspiration

ālitus, ālitūs mbreath, vapour, scent, haze

anhēlātus, anhēlātūs mdifficulty of breathing, panting, puffing, painful panting, asthma, breathing, breath, exhalation, vapor

anhēlitus, anhēlitūs mdifficulty of breathing, panting, puffing, painful panting, asthma, breathing, breath, exhalation, vapor

anima, animae fair, current of air, breeze, wind, air inhaled and exhaled, breath, breath of air, vital principle, breath of life, life, creature endowed with soul, living being, soul separated from the body, shade of the Lower World, rational soul of man

animus, animī m (cf. ἄνεμος)breath, life, soul, wind, spirit, mind, the rational soul in man, intellect, sensibility, will, reason, memory, consciousness, vital power, conscience, opinion, judgment, imagination, fancy

aspīrāmentum, aspīrāmentī nbreath

aura, aurae f (αὔρα)air, breeze, wind, vital air, breath, upper air, Heaven, light, heat, sound, vapor, gleam, glittering, mist, odor, exhalation

spīrātiō, spīrātiōnis fbreathing, breath

spīrātus, spīrātūs mbreathing, breath

spīritus, spīritūs mbreathing, gentle blowing of air, breath, breeze, air, exhalation, smell, odor, inspiration, breath of life, life, aspiration, hiss of a snake, haughty spirit, haughtiness, pride, arrogance, high spirit, energy, courage, spirit, soul, mind

query 1/E (max. 1000): 44 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aegrē spīritum dūcōbreathe heavily, have heavy breath

angustiae spīritūsshortness of breath, short breath

anhēlābundus, anhēlābunda, anhēlābundumwheezing, short of breath, in respiratory distress

anhēlitum recipiōdraw breath again

anhēlāre, anhēlō, anhēlāvimove about for breath, draw the breath with great difficulty, pant, puff, gasp, heave, breathe out, emit by breathing, breathe forth, exhale, pursue, pant for, strive after something with eagerness, draw up the breath

anhēlus cursusbreath heavy run, a run causing to pant

anhēlus, anhēla, anhēlumout of breath, panting, puffing, attended with short breath, who suffers from shortness of breath, causing to pant

anima redolēnsfoul-smelling breath, malodorous breath

anima vīpereapoison breath (from snakes)

animam agōexpel the breath of life, give up the ghost, expire

animam comprimōholding one's breath

animam contineōholding one's breath

animam laqueō claudōhang oneself, block one's breath by the rope

animam recipiōrecover one's breath

animam trahōtake a breath, breathe

animāre, animō, animāvī, animātumfill with breath or air, quicken, animate, endow with a particular temperament or disposition of mind, transform a lifeless object to a living being, enliven (with colors), light, kindle, encourage, move incite to

animum dūcōtake breath

animum recipiōtake courage again, draw new courage, draw breath again, catch one's breath again

animum recreōrecuperate, recover, catch your breath

animum reficiōrecuperate, recover, catch your breath

asthma, asthmatis nasthma, shortness of breath, narrow chest, anxiety

asthmaticus, asthmatica, asthmaticumafflicted with shortness of breath, afflicted with coughing

aurās apprēnsōgasp for breath

aurās percipiōtake a breath

cursū exanimorget out of breath while running

dēfectiō spīritūsshortness of breath

spīrāmen, spīrāminis nbreathing-hole, passage for the breath, air-hole, thrill, vent, breathing, blowing

spīritum trahōtake a breath, breathe

spīritum ultimum trahōdo the last breath

spīrāre, spīrō, spīrāvī, spīrātumbreathe, blow, draw breath, respire, be favorable, favor, live, be alive, be poetically inspired, have the lyric spirit, be puffed up, be proud, be arrogant, breathe out, exhale, emit, breathe feebly, breathe forth, exhale, breathe into, be full of, show, express, manifest

suspīrātiō, suspīrātiōnis ffetching a deep breath, sighing, sigh

suspīritus, suspīritūs mbreathing deeply, breathing with difficulty, deep breath, sigh

suspīrāre, suspīrō, suspīrāvī, suspīrātumdraw a deep breath, heave a sigh, sigh, sighing after, longing for, may exhale, evaporate, breathe out, exhale, sigh for, long for, sigh out, exclaim with a sigh


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