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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 9 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
balteum, balteī nbelt, swordbelt, swordband passing over the shoulder, belly-band of a horse, border, rim, edge, circle, zodiac, the crust of a cake, the bark of the willow, the vacant space between the seats in the amphitheatre, strapping, blow with a belt

balteus, balteī m (balteum, balteī n)girdle, belt, swordbelt, swordband passing over the shoulder, belly-band of a horse, border, rim, edge, circle, zodiac, the crust of a cake, the bark of the willow, strapping, blow with a belt

cōnfīne, cōnfīnis n, that which borders upon, boundary, border, confine, neighborhood,

cōnfīnia, cōnfīnium nboundary, border, confine, neighborhood

cōnfīnium, cōnfīniī na confine, common boundary, limit, border, neighborhood, nearness, close connection, confines, boundaries

conterminum, conterminī nneighboring region, confine, border

crepīdō, crepīdinis f (κρηπίς)ground, basis, foundation, socle, pedestal, base, elevated enclosure, high projection, edge, brim, brink, border, dam, dike, pier, shore, bank

terminīs aliquid circumscrībōdefine, border, delimit, boundary

terminīs aliquid dēscrībōdefine, border, delimit, boundary

query 1/E (max. 1000): 47 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adiacēre, adiaceō, adiacuīlie at, lie near, be contiguous to, border upon

adtingere, adtingō, adtigī, adtāctumtouch, come in contact with, strike, attack, assault, taste, crop, come to a place, to approach, reach, arrive at, lie near, border upon, be contiguous to, affect, touch upon in speaking, mention, undertake, enter upon some course of action, apply one’s self to

affīnēs, affīnium mborder neighbors

affīnis, affīnis mborder neighbour

ager cōnfīnisborder area, border region, borderland

ager extrēmusoutermost field, border field

ampterminī, ampterminōrum mneighbours of the Roman state territory, border neighbours

amterminī, amterminōrum mthose living on the border of the Roman territory, border neighbours

arbor in fīne agrī positaborder tree

arbor terminālisborder tree

arcifīnālis, arcifīnālewith natural border

arcifīnius, arcifīnia, arcifīniumwith natural border

ārea, āreae fcourse of life, the halo around the sun or moon, bed or border in a garden, fowling-floor, burying-ground, church-yard, bald spot upon the head, baldness

attingere, attingō, attigī, attāctumtouch, come in contact with, strike, attack, assault, taste, crop, come to a place, to approach, reach, arrive at, lie near, border upon, be contiguous to, affect, touch upon in speaking, mention

claustra imperiīborder fortress of the empire

collīmitāre, collīmitōborder upon

collīmitārī, collīmitorborder upon

compāgināre, compāginō, compāgināvī, compāginātumborder upon

cōnfīnis sumhave a common border

contermināre, conterminōbe a borderer, to border upon

contingere, contingō, contigī, contāctumtouch on all sides, touch, take hold of, seize, eat, partake of, taste, touch impurely, be near, be neighboring, be contiguous, border upon, reach, extend to, reach something by moving, attain to, reach, come to, arrive at, meet with

contrōversia fīniumborder conflict, boundary dispute

cornua argento circumclūdōset the horns all around in silver, border the horns in silver all around

corōnula, corōnulae fornament on a mitre; rim or border of the base of a laver, little crown above the horse’s hoof

cursōrium, cursōriī nborder path, path running along the border

cūstōdēs līmitāneīborder police, border guards

cūstōdia līmitāneaborder guard, border patrol, border protection

cyclas, cycladis fstate-robe of women, with a border running round it

fīnēs, fīnium mcountry border, national border

suggrunda, suggrundae flower border of a roof, eaves

suggrundātiō, suggrundātiōnis flower border of a roof, eaves

suggrundium, suggrundiī nlower border of a roof, eaves

tangere, tangō, tetigī, tāctumtouch, take, take away, curry off, reach, arrive at, come to a place, border on, be contiguous to, strike, hit, beat, affect, besprinkle, moisten, wash, smear, anoint, color, dye

trānsitus fīniumborder crossing

trānsitus fīniumborder crossing

trānsitus terminālisborder crossing

urbs in cōnfīniō sitaBorder town

urbs līmitālisBorder town


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