Suchergebnis zu "bodily action":1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:Engl. Fund;
query 1/4E (max. 1000): 82 Ergebnis(se) Hauptquelle: Lewis and Shortaccūsātiō, accūsātiōnis f | complaint, accusation, indictment, bill of indictment, action, suit |
| āctiō tribūtōria | action for compensation, action for compensation |
| āctiō, āctiōnis f | doing, performing, acting, action, act, public performance, public function, civil act, proceeding, duty, negotiation, deliberation, suit, process, pleading of a case |
| āctīvus, āctīva, āctīvum | practical, which designate transitive action, active |
| āctor, āctōris m | one who drives or moves something, he who does any thing, doer, performer, one who brings an action, plaintiff, one who conducts a suit, advocate, agent, attorney, administrator, manager, steward, overseer of property, one who delivers any oral discourse, player, actor |
| admonēre, admoneō, admonuī, admonitum | bring up to one’s mind, put one in mind of, remind, suggest, advise, warn, admonish, recall a thing to memory, bring to remembrance, incite to action, urge to action |
| admonitor, admonitōris m | he that reminds one of something, he that admonishes one to something, monitor, one that urges to action, admonisher |
| adorīrī, adorior, adortus sum | rise up for the purpose of undertaking something hazardous, approach a person in order to address him or to ask something of him, approach one with hostile intent, assault, assail, enter upon any course of action, undertake any thing difficult, undertake any |
| adsūmptīvus, adsūmptīva, adsūmptīvum | taken in addition, which takes the defence of an action from an extraneous cause, assumptive, extrinsic |
| adtingere, adtingō, adtigī, adtāctum | touch, come in contact with, strike, attack, assault, taste, crop, come to a place, to approach, reach, arrive at, lie near, border upon, be contiguous to, affect, touch upon in speaking, mention, undertake, enter upon some course of action, apply one’s self to |
| aestimātōria, aestimātōriae f | the action which aims at the true value of a thing |
| agilis, agile | hat can be easily moved, easily movable, that moves easily, that moves quickly, nimble, agile, quick, rapid, sudden, hasty, precipitate in action, prompt, active, busy |
| agere, agō, ēgī, āctum | act, perform, deliver, pronounce, do, labor, transact, be occupied with, think upon, have in view, aim at, pass (time), spend (time), conduct, manage, carry on, administer, represent by external action, play |
| alogia, alogiae f | irrational conduct or action, folly, dumbness, muteness |
| ammonēre, ammoneō, ammonuī, ammonitum | bring up to one’s mind, put one in mind of, remind, suggest, advise, warn, admonish, recall a thing to memory, bring to remembrance, incite to action, urge to action |
| antecēdēns, antecēdentis n | the antecedent (cause), precondition, cause of action, cause, reason, starting point |
| antecēdentia, antecēdentium n | preconditions, causes of action, causes, reasons, starting point, what precedes, what underlies |
| argūtia, argūtiae f | that which is clear to the senses, vigor of expression, liveliness, animation, the chattering notes of the nightingale, chattering discourse, brightness, acuteness, wit, genius, slyness, subtlety, cunning, shrewdness in speech or action |
| argūtiae, argūtiārum f | that which is clear to the senses, vigor of expression, liveliness, animation, the chattering notes of the nightingale, chattering discourse, brightness, acuteness, wit, genius, slyness, subtlety, cunning, shrewdness in speech or action |
| assūmptīvus, assūmptīva, assūmptīvum (adsūmptīvus) | taken in addition, which takes the defence of an action from an extraneous cause, assumptive, extrinsic |
| attingere, attingō, attigī, attāctum | undertake, enter upon some course of action, apply one’s self to, be occupied with, engage in, take in hand, manage, arrive somewhere, be similar, belong to, appertain to, concern, relate to |
| auferre, auferō, abstulī, ablātum | separate, sever, divide, lay aside some action, cease from, desist from, leave off, corry off, obtain, get, receive, acquire, carry away the knowledge of a thing, learn, understand |
| calculī, calculōrum m | principles of action |
| calculum redūcō | take back an action, take back a move, withdraw a stone |
| calumnia, calumniae f | perversion of justice, bringing of an action in bad faith, conviction for malicious prosecution |
| campus, campī m (cf. κῆπος) | an even, flat place, plain, field, the produce of the field, any level surface, place of action |
| catastropha, catastrophae f (καταστροφή) | turning-point of an action, catastrophe |
| catastrophē, catastrophēs f (Akk. catastrophēn) (καταστροφή) | turning-point of an action, catastrophe |
| causā dēsistō | withdraw from the action, abandon the lawsuit |
| causa efficiēns | reason for occurrence, cause of action |
| causam ad iūdicem dēferō aliquid | bring an action before the court |
| causātīva, causātīvōrum n | matter in dispute, gist of the action |
| celeritās medicīnae | rapid action of a medicine, rapid effect of a drug |
| circumscrībere, circumscrībō, circumscrīpsi, circumscrīptum | draw a line around, circumscribe, enclose in a circle, draw a line as the circumference of a thing, define, encompass, enclose, limit, bound, contract, hem in, hinder free action, restrain, confine |
| cōgere, cōgō, coēgī, coāctum | drive together to one point, collect, compress, crowd, bring together, urge together, assemble, gather together, thicken, condense, curdle, coagulate, draw together, contract into a narrow place, urge one to any action, force, compel, constrain |
| comminus ad aliquem accēdō | bother someone, get on someone's body, take action against someone |
| committere, committō, commīsī, commissum | begin any course of action, undertake a action, carry on a action |
| commoditās, commoditātis f | due measure, just proportion, symmetry, fitness, suitable oratorical expression, easy, unrestrained, free action, dexterity, skill, convenience, ease, a fit occasion, advantage, benefit, pleasantness, complaisance, courteousness, forbearance, lenity |
| compāgō corporis | bodily structure |
| concitāre, concitō, concitāvī, concitātum | move violently, put in violent or quick motion, stir up, rouse up, excite, incite, shake, rouse, urge, impel one to, move strongly, influence, instigate, rouse, cause any action, occasion any action, produce any emotion |
| cōnsertē contextēque agō | carry out a concerted action |
| cōnsiliō et rē aliquem iūvō | support someone with advice and action, support someone with words and deeds |
| cōnsiliō manūque | with advice and action, , with word and deeds |
| cōnsilium agendī | action plan |
| cōnsilium perficiō | put a plan into action, realize a plan, carry out a plan |
| cōnsistere, cōnsistō, cōnstitī | to place one’s self anywhere, stand still, stand, halt, stop, make a stop, set, become hard, become solid, take one’s place, take position, assume a place, assume a attitude for an action, make a halt |
| cōnsurgere, cōnsurgo, cōnsurrēxī, cōnsurrēctum | raise one’s self, rise, rise up together, stand up, arise, rise up for any action, stand up for any action, take rise |
| contārī, contor | delay action, linger, loiter, hesitate, doubt, |
| convenīre, conveniō, convēnī, conventum | come together, meet together, assemble, meet one judicially, sue, bring an action against, summon before a tribunal, unite, join, combine, couple, agree with in wishes, agree with in decisions, accord, harmonize, fit with, it in, fit to something, suit, be adapted to |
| corporāliter | corporally, bodily |
| cōvenīre, cōveniō, cōvēnī, cōventum | come together, meet together, assemble, meet one judicially, sue, bring an action against, summon before a tribunal, unite, join, combine, couple, agree with in wishes, agree with in decisions, accord, harmonize, fit with, it in, fit to something, suit, be adapted to |
| crīmen alicuī intentō | threaten someone with a lawsuit, threaten someone with legal action |
| crīmen in aliquō cōnstituō | take legal action against someone, bring an action against somebody, bring a lawsuit against someone |
| cunctārī, cunctor, cunctātus sum | delay action, linger, loiter, hesitate, doubt |
| currentem incitō | drive an active person to action |
| dedecus, dedecoris n | disgrace, dishonor, infamy, shame, blot, blemish, moral dishonor, vice, turpitude, a vicious action, shameful deed |
| dica, dicae f (δίκη) | lawsuit, judicial process, action |
| dicam alicuī impingō | bring a heavy action against one |
| dicam alicuī scrībō | bring an action against any one |
| dīrēctiō agendī | direction of action |
| fortiōribus remediīs ūtor | take tough action, intervene more vigorously, intervene more forcefully, take stronger measures |
| fortiter et strēnuē agō | intervene emphatically, take tough action |
| lītem alicuī intendō | bring an action against someone, bring a lawsuit against someone |
| lītem contestor | introduce a lawsuit by calling witnesses, bring an action, set on foot an action |
| manum immittō | take action, intervene, step in, take action |
| meā dextrā | by my hand, by my fist, by my bravery, by my action, by my commitment |
| nocēns, nocentis m | wrongdoer, , hat commits a wicked action, bad, wicked, culpable, criminal, malefactor, delinquent |
| nunc dēmum agōn est | now we must act, now is the time for action |
| quiēscere, quiēscō, quiēvī, quiētum | rest, repose, keep quiet, keep calm, remain neutral, abstain from action, sleep, lie still, be still, be quiet, be silent, suffer quietly, allow quietly, peaceably permit, cease, leave off, desist from, cause to cease, render quiet, stop |
| remediīs graviōribus ūtor | take tough action, intervene more vigorously, intervene more forcefully, take stronger measures |
| scelus, sceleris n | an evil deed, a wicked action, a heinous action, an impious action, a crime, a sin, enormity, wickedness |
| spatium agendī | sphere of action, range of action, area of influence, area of action, area of action, span width |
| spatium, spatiī n | room, space distance, interval, size, bulk, extent walk, promenade, public place, public square, race-course, room in a building, space in a building, action of walking, walk, promenade, turn, course, space of time, period, time, leisure, opportunity, path, race, track |
| spissāre, spissō, spissāvī, spissātum | thicken, make thick, condense, urge on, hasten an action, perform it more rapidly |
| studēre, studeō, studuī (+ Dat.) | be eager , be zealous, take pains about, be diligent in, be anxious about, be busy one’s self with, strive after, apply one’s self to, pursue some course of action, desire, wish |
| tribūtōria, tribūtōriae f | action for compensation, action for compensation |
| ultimātē | ultimate, without further action, immediate |
| vadārī, vador, vadātus sum | bind over by bail to appear in court, take legal action, demand in court |
| valentia, valentiae f | bodily strength, vigor, capacity, endowment |
| verba ad rem cōnferō | put his words into action |
| versārī, versor, versātus sum | dwell, live, remain, stay, abide, be in a place, be, be circumstanced or situated, busy one’s self with any action, be engaged |
| vindicātiō, vindicātiōnis f | laying claim to a thing, civil action for a thing, lawsuit for a thing, taking into protection, protection, defence, vindication, avenging, punishment |
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