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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

Suchergebnis zu
"blood relation":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

query 1/E (max. 1000): 64 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
acquiēscere, acquiēscō (adquiēscō), acquiēvī, acquiētumbecome physically quiet, come to physical repose, repose, rest, come to a state of repose in relation to one’s wishes, repose in, find rest in, find pleasure in, rejoice in, be satisfied with, acquiesce in, give assent to

adoleō ārās cruōre captīvōsprinkle the altars with the blood of captives

aequitās, aequitātis fquality of being aequus, uniform relation of one thing to others, equality, conformity, symmetry, just or equitable conduct toward others, justice, equity, fairness, righteousness, quiet state of mind, tranquil state of mind, evenness of temper, moderation, calmness

affectiō, affectiōnis frelation to, disposition toward, state of mind, frame of mind, feeling, state of feeling, fixed constitution, permanent constitution, love, affection, good-will, the loved object, children, ability of willing, will, volition, inclination

aliquem cruōre perfundōsplash someone all over with blood

aliquem sanguine perfundōsplash someone all over with blood

aliquid partem meī faciōmake something someone's second nature, let something pass into ones's flesh and blood

anaphoricus, anaphorica, anaphoricumadjusted according to the rising of the stars, bringing up blood, spitting blood

animam in arma cruōre diffundōbreathe my life away bit by bit, pouring the blood on the armour

aspergō caedissplattered blood, blood splatter

aspergō sanguine mēnsāssplatter the tables with blood

assarātum, assarātī nmixed potion of wine and blood

assirātum, assirātī ndrink composed of wine and blood

blatta, blattae f [2]clot of blood, purple

botulus cruōre distentusblack pudding, blood sausage

caede sagīnātusdrenched in blood

caede tepēbat humusthe ground was warm with blood, the ground steamed with murder

caedēs, caedis fcutting off, lopping off, cutting down, slaughter, massacre, carnage, slaughter of animals, slaughter of victims, persons slain, persons murdered, slain, blood shed by murder, gore, striking with the fist, beating

caesus sanguisthe blood of the slain

capillōs sanguine turpōstain the hair with blood

causa, causae ffeigned cause, pretext, pretence, judicial process, lawsuit, party, faction, cause that one defends, relation of friendship, connection, condition, state, situation, relation, position, business undertaken for any one, employment, matter, subject

coāgulātiō sanguiniscurdling, coagulating, blood clotting, blood coagulation

cōgnāta, cōgnātae fa blood relative, kinswoman

cōgnātiō, cōgnātiōnis fblood relationship, kindred, connection by birth, relations, persons, allied by descent, relationship, association, intimate connection, natural connection, agreement, kindred, resemblance, affinity

cōgnātus, cōgnāta, cōgnātumsprung from the same stock, related by blood, kindred, related, connected, like, similar

coit formīdine sanguisthe blood freezes in horror

comparātiō, comparātiōnis fcomparing, comparison, trial of skill, contention, relation, agreement, contract, coupling, pairing, climax, comparative degree

comparātus, comparātūs mrelation, proportion

comparāre, comparō, comparāvī, comparātumcouple together in the same relation, connect in pairs, pair, match, unite, join, bring together to, couple together in judgment, count one object fully equal to another

complexus, complexūs msurrounding, encompassing, encircling, embracing, embrace, the reach, connection in discourse, friendly embracing, love, affectionate relation

condiciō, condiciōnis fagreement, stipulation, condition, compact, proposition, terms, demand, marriage, match, amour, the relation of lover or mistress, external position, external situation, condition, rank, place, circumstances, situation, nature, mode, manner

conditiō, conditiōnis fagreement, stipulation, condition, compact, proposition, terms, demand, marriage, match, amour, the relation of lover or mistress, external position, external situation, condition, rank, place, circumstances, situation, nature, mode, manner

coniūnctiō, coniūnctiōnis fconnection by relationship, affinity, relation, connection by friendship, friendship, intimacy, connection of ideas, connecting particle, conjunction

cōnsobrīna, cōnsobrīnae fchild of a mother’s sister, child of brother or sister, a relation, a cousin (in any degree)

cōnsobrīnus, cōnsobrīnī mchild of a mother’s sister, child of brother or sister, a relation, a cousin (in any degree)

cōnsubrīnus, cōnsubrīnī mchild of a mother’s sister, child of brother or sister, a relation, a cousin (in any degree)

cōsobrīnus, cōsobrīnī mchild of a mother’s sister, child of brother or sister, a relation, a cousin (in any degree)

crūdus, crūda, crūdumbloody, bleeding, trickling with blood, raw, not cooked, undigested, suffering from indigestion, unripe, immature, crude, yet young, yet fresh, not yet armed

cruentātiō, cruentātiōnis fa staining with blood

cruentātus , cruentāta, cruentātumstained with blood, bloody

cruentāre, cruentō, cruentāvī, cruentātummake bloody, spot with blood, spot, stain, pollute, dye red, tinge with red

cruentus, cruenta, cruentumspotted with blood, covered with blood, stained with blood, bloody, delighting in blood, blood-thirsty, cruel, polluted, bloodred, red

cruor, cruōris mblood (which flows from a wound), stream of blood, vital power, bloodshed, murder, blood in the body

cruōre mānōdripping with blood

cruōre oblitusbloody, gory, sanguinary, smeared with blood

cruōre respersusbloody, spattered with blood

cruōrem calcōtrot in blood

cruōrem hauriōshed someone's blood, spill someone's blood

dēmātrīcāre, dēmātrīcō, dēmātrīcāvī, dēmātrīcātumdraining blood from the vena matricalis

dēspūmāre, dēspūmō, dēspūmāvī, dēspūmātumskim off, skim, work off, digest, rub off, polish, let blood, bleed, deposit a frothy matter, expressing by foaming

sanguinem dēpleōlet blood, bleed

status sanguinisblood count

strix, strigis f (στρίγξ)screech-owl, which, according to the belief of the ancients, sucked the blood of young children, vampire, blood-sucking monster

succilus, succilī mundercut the eyelid with blood, blood running under the eyelid, blood under the eyelid

syngenicon, syngenicī nkinship relation

tellūs bibit cruōremthe earth is drenched with blood

thrombōsis, thrombōsis fblood clotting, blood coagulation

thrombus, thrombī mblood clot

tribūtum sanguineumblood toll

vās sanguineumblood vessel

vāsa sanguineablood vessels, blood veins, veins

vēnae atque viscera reī pūblicaebody and blood of the state

vērnat sanguisthe blood pulsates youthfully

victōria multō sanguine ac vulneribus stetitthe victory cost a lot of blood and wounds


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