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(18) "%moveo" zeigt neben Wendungen alle Composita zu "moveo"

longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

Suchergebnis zu
"block of marble":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Deut. Fund; Engl. Fund;

In Wendungen bleiben als Einzelwörter unberücksichtigt: of -

query 1/E (max. 1000): 19 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
alveolum interpellōblock the riverbed

animam laqueō claudōhang oneself, block one's breath by the rope

caementa, caementae frough, unhewn stone, as it comes from the quarry, quarry-stone, pieces that fly off from marble in working, chips of marble

caementum, caementī nrough, unhewn stone, as it comes from the quarry, quarry-stone, pieces that fly off from marble in working, chips of marble

caudex, caudicis mtrunk of a tree, stock, stem, block of wood to which one was bound for punishment, block, dolt, blockhead, block of wood split or sawn into planks, leaves or tablets and fastened together, book, writin, accountbook, ledger, code of laws

chernītēs, chernītae mkind of marble resembling ivory

cīmentum, cīmentī nrough, unhewn stone, as it comes from the quarry, quarry-stone, pieces that fly off from marble in working, chips of marble

circumlitiō, circumlitiōnis fa smearing over, spreading over, anointing, overlaying of color, the tint or hue given to marble by rubbing it with a mixture of oil and wax

claudere, claudō, clausī, clausumshut, close, shut up, block up, cut off, prevent, stop, stanch, end, enclose, encompass, surround, imprison, hide, confine

clōdere, clōdō, clōsī, clōsumshut, close, shut up, block up, cut off, prevent, stop, stanch, end, enclose, encompass, surround, imprison, hide, confine

clūdere, clūdō, clūsī, clūsumshut, close, shut up, block up, cut off, prevent, stop, stanch, end, enclose, encompass, surround, imprison, hide, confine

cōdex, cōdicis mtrunk of a tree, stock, stem, block of wood to which one was bound for punishment, block, dolt, blockhead, block of wood split or sawn into planks, leaves or tablets and fastened together, book, writin, accountbook, ledger, code of laws

columnae variaecolumns of colorful marble

iam diū hoc saxum versōfor a long time I've been rolling this stone, for a long time I've been picking at this block, with this person I struggle in vain

tēctum caelō aequatumskyscraper, high-rise, tower block

trochleātimwith a block

ulcera montiummarble quarry

vacerra, vacerrae fstock, block, stupid person

viam interclūdōblock the way, obstruct the way


3. Belegstellen für "block of marble"

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