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Suchergebnis zu
"binding agent":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 1 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
cūpula, cūpulae ftape, binder, binding agent

query 1/E (max. 1000): 2 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
calamī compāgine cērae inter sē iūnctīthe pipes connected to each other with wax as a binding agent

query 1/E (max. 1000): 48 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
āctiōnārius, āctiōnāriī magent, manager, commissioner, middleman, intermediary, mediator, shareholder

āctor, āctōris mone who drives or moves something, he who does any thing, doer, performer, one who brings an action, plaintiff, one who conducts a suit, advocate, agent, attorney, administrator, manager, steward, overseer of property, one who delivers any oral discourse, player, actor

adiūnctiō, adiūnctiōnis fjoining to, binding to, union, conjunction, addition, limitation made by an addition, restriction made by an addition, limiting adjunct, restricting adjunct, repetition of the same word

adnexiō, adnexiōnis ftying to, binding to, connecting

adnexus, adnexūs m (nur Abl. adnextū)tying to, binding to, connection

adstrictōrius, adstrictōria, adstrictōriumbinding, astringent

agēns rērum (agēns in rēbus)imperial secret agent

aliquid mē tenetsomething binds me, something has binding force for me, something is binding for me

alligātiō, alligātiōnis fbinding to, tying to, band

annexiō, annexiōnis ftying to, binding to, connecting

annexus, annexūs m (nur Abl. annextū)tying to, binding to, connection

arilātor, arilātōris mhaggler, chafferer, broker, agent

arillātor, arillātōris mhaggler, chafferer, broker, agent

astrictōrius, astrictōria, astrictōriumbinding, astringent

auctor, auctōris cmover, proposer, supporter, law-giver, leader, exemplar, model, pattern, type of, bail, surety, witness, guaranty, seller, vender, guardian, trustee, agent, factor, spokesman, intercessor, champion

autor, autōris cmover, proposer, supporter, law-giver, leader, exemplar, model, pattern, type of, bail, surety, witness, guaranty, seller, vender, guardian, trustee, agent, factor, spokesman, intercessor, champion

catēnātiō, catēnātiōnis fbinding, band, clamp, clincher, pin

catharticum, catharticī nmeans of purifying, a cathartic agent, laxative

cōciō, cōciōnis mhaggler, chafferer, broker, agent

coctiō, coctiōnis mhaggler, chafferer, broker, agent

coctiō, coctiōnis mhaggler, chafferer, broker, agent

cōgnitor, cōgnitōris mState Agent, Government Agent

colligātiō, colligātiōnis f (conligātiō)binding together, connection, ligature, band, fastening

concatēnātiō, concatēnātiōnis fconnecting, joining, concatenation, sequence, fettering, binding

cōnexiō, cōnexiōnis fa binding together, close union, an organic union, conclusion, a logical sequence, syllable

coniūnctiō cōnexīvabinding particle

conligātiō, conligātiōnis fbinding together, connection, ligature, band, fastening

cōnstrictiō, cōnstrictiōnis fa binding together, drawing together, binding, stopping of the bowels

cosmētōrium, cosmētōriī ncosmetic agent, cosmetic

cōtiō, cōtiōnis mhaggler, chafferer, broker, agent

dēnsābilis, dēnsābilebinding, astringent

dēnsātīvus, dēnsātīva, dēnsātīvumbinding, astringent

dēvīnctiō, dēvīnctiōnis fbinding, ensnaring, enchantment

diascammoniāspurging agent

sculna, sculnae mintermediary, fiduciary, frustee, agent, referee

sequester, sequestris magent, go between, mediator

siliquātārius, siliquātāriī mcustoms agent

subiūnctīvus, subiūnctīva, subiūnctīvumbelonging to binding together, connecting

subligātiō, subligātiōnis fbinding below, tying below

sublĭgātūra, sublĭgātūrae fbinding below, tying below

suffrēnātiō, suffrēnātiōnis fbinding down fast, cementing

trānsvectūrārius, trānsvectūrāriī mforwarding agent, carrier, freight forwarder

venēnum somniferumnarcotic, narcotic agent

vīnctiō, vīnctiōnis fbinding, ligature, shoetie

vīnctus, vīnctūs m (nur Abl. Sgl. vīnctū)binding

vīrus ēlumbenerve agent


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