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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

Suchergebnis zu

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Deut. Fund; Engl. Fund;

Mögl. AlternativeD (max. 100): 1 Ergebnis(se)
 Wortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei Zeno.orgZaunwinde
(weißblühende Pflanze)
īasiōnē, īasiōnēs fiasione, iasiones fWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
VolltrefferE (max. 100): 16 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adstringere, adstringō, adstrīnxī, adstrictumdraw close, draw, bind together, tie together, bind, tighten, contract, make colder, cool, refresh, deaden, draw together, draw closer, circumscribe, put under obligation, oblige, necessitate, compress, abridge, bring into short compass

alligāre, alligō (adligō), alligāvī, alligātumbind to something, bind, bind up, bind round, bind, hold fast, hinder, detain, oblige, lay under obligation

apere, apiōfasten, attach, join, bind, tie to

apere, apōfasten, attach, join, bind, tie to

astringere, astringō (adstringō), astrīnxī, astrictumdraw close, draw, bind together, tie together, bind, tighten, contract, make colder, cool, refresh, deaden, draw together, draw closer, circumscribe, put under obligation, oblige, necessitate, compress, abridge, bring into short compass

auctōrāre, auctōrō, auctōrāvī, auctōrātumbecome security for, give a pledge as bondsman, bind, confirm, support

cōligāre, cōligō, cōligāvī, cōligātumbind together, tie together, fasten together, connect, bind, tie up, unite, combine, connect, join together, restrain, check, stop, hinder

colligāre, colligō, colligāvī, colligātumbind together, tie together, fasten together, connect, bind, tie up, unite, combine, connect, join together, restrain, check, stop, hinder

cōnectere, cōnectō (connectō), cōnexuī, cōnexumtie, bind, fasten together, join together, connect, entwine, link together, gather, implicate, involve, connect, join to, annex a logical conclusion, subjoin a logical conclusion

conligāre, conligō, conligāvī, conligātumbind together, tie together, fasten together, connect, bind, tie up, unite, combine, connect, join together, restrain, check, stop, hinder

cōnectere, cōnectō (connectō), cōnexuī, cōnexumtie, bind, fasten together, join together, connect, entwine, link together, gather, implicate, involve, connect, join to, annex a logical conclusion, subjoin a logical conclusion

cōnstringere, cōnstringō, cōnstrīnxī, cōnstrictumdraw together, bind together, bind, tie up, stamp, seal, bind together with fetters, fetter, contract, hold together, restrain, hold in check, bring into a narrow compass, compress

dēstināre, dēstinō, dēstināvī, dēstinātummake fast, make firm, bind, establish, determine, resolve, consider, design, intend, devote, destine, appoint, choose, elect, intend purchasing, fix upon as a mark, aim at, fix upon for one’s self, intend to buy

tenēre, teneō, tenuī, tentumcontrol, hold fast, guard, preserve, uphold, keep, insist, guard, preserve, uphold, keep, insist, support, bind, hold, obligate, be binding on, occupy, enchaine, fascinate,

vincīre, vinciō, vīnxī, vīnctumbind, bind about, wind about, fetter, tie, fasten, surround, encircle, compress, lace, compass, guard, make firm, harden, fix, fasten, confine, restrain, attach, arrange rhythmically

vinculāre, vinculō, vinculātusfetter, bind, chain

query 1/D1 (max. 1000): 1 Ergebnis(se)
query 1/E (max. 1000): 52 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adalligāre, adalligō, adalligāvī, adalligātumbind to, fasten to, attach

adiungere, adiungō, adiūnxī, adiūnctumadd to, join to, annex to, bind to, yoke, harness, enter into friendship with, make one a friend, apply to, direct to, annex, subjoin, let follow, let attend, add it to the preceding

adnectere, adnectō, adnexuī, adnexumtie to, bind to, connect, annex, apply

angere, angō, anxī, anctum (anxum) (cf. ἄγχω)bind together, draw together, press together, throttle, strangle, cause (physical) pain, distress, torment, torture, vex, trouble, puts in torturing suspense

annectere, annectō (adnectō), annexuī, annexumtie to, bind to, connect, annex, apply

auctōrārī, auctōror, auctōrātus sumbind one’s self, oblige one’s self, hire one’s self out

beneficiīs aliquem dēvinciōbind someone by benefaction, oblige someone by doing good

beneficiīs aliquem obligōbind someone by benefaction, oblige someone by doing good

capistrāre, capistrō, capistrāvī, capistrātumhalter, tie with a halter, bind fast, fasten

catēnāre, catēnōchain together, bind together, put in fetters

circumligāre, circumligō, circumligāvī, circumligātumbind something to something, bind something with something, encompass, surround

circumnectere, circumnectō, circumnexumwrap around, bind around, surround, envelop

circumstringere, circumstringō, - , circumstrictumbind about, put on, tie around, surround, clothe with

circumvincīre, circumvinciō, circumvinctumbind around

concatēnāre, concatēnōlink together, bind together, connect, concatenate

conglūtināre, conglūtinō, conglūtināvī, conglūtinātumglue, cement, join together, join, unite firmly together, bind closely, invent, devise, contrive

coniungere, coniungō, coniūnxī, coniūnctumbind together, connect, join, unite, yoke together, contract, carry on concert, wage in concert, continue without interruption, compose, form by uniting, join in marriage, join in love, unite by the ties of relationship or friendship

cōnserere, cōnserō, cōnseruī, cōnsertumconnect, entwine, tie, join, fit, bind into a whole, unite together, unite in hostility, unite for contest, bring together, engage in close combat, join hand to hand, join battle, make a joint seizure

cōnsuētūdine aliquem dēvinciōbind someone to oneself by one's company, bind someone to oneself by one's association,

cōpulāre, cōpulō, cōpulāvī, cōpulātumcouple, bind together, tie together, join, connect, unite, confront, associate with

dēligāre, dēligō, dēligāvi, dēligātumbind together, tie together, bind up, bind fast

dēvincīre, dēvinciō, dēvīnxī, dēvīnctumbind fast, tie up, bind together, unite closely, engage, oblige, lay under obligation

laterēs diatonīband-stones, which run through the thickness of a wall and bind it together

sē astringere, mē astringō, mē astrīnxībind oneself

serere, serō, seruī, sertumjoin together, bind together, plait, interweave, entwine, join, connect, interweave, combine, compose, contrive

stringere, stringō, strīnxī, strictumdraw tight, bind tight, tie tight, draw together, bind together, press together, touch, touch upon, touch lightly, touch slightly, graze, touch upon, treat briefly

subligāre, subligō, subligāvī, subligātumbind below, tie below, bind on

subnectere, subnectō, subnexuī, subnexumbind under, tie under, bind on beneath, add, subjoin

substringere, substringō, substrinxī, substrictumbind beneath, bind up, tie up, draw up

superdēligāre, superdēligōbind over

superilligāre, superilligō, superilligāvī, superilligātumbind over, bind upon

superstringere, superstringō, superstrīnxī, superstrictumbind together above, draw together above, draw together over

sūrclāre, sūrclōbind together with twigs

sūrculāre, sūrculōbind together with twigs

sustringere, sustringō, sustrinxī, sustrictumbind beneath, bind up, tie up, draw up

vadārī, vador, vadātus sumbind over by bail to appear in court, take legal action, demand in court


Wortform von: bind

3. Belegstellen für "bind"

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- bei van der Gucht Wortsuche bei Van der Gucht
- bei Wortsuche bei
- bei Google: engl-lat.
- in Zenon: deutsch-lat.
- in Pons: deutsch-lat.

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