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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 8 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
ancus, anca, ancumcurved, crooked, bent, curved

concavus, concava, concavumhollow, concave, arched, vaulted, bent, curved

curvātus, curvāta, curvātumstooped, curved, arched, crooked, bent

curvus, curva, curvumcrooked, curved, bent, stooping, bent by age, rising on high, boisterous, winding, wrong, perverse, wrong

dēcurvātus, dēcurvāta, dēcurvātumbent, curved back

sinuōsus, sinuōsa, sinuōsumfull of bendings, full of windings, full of curves, full of folds, bent, winding, sinuous

vārus, vāra, vārumbent, stretched, grown inwards, grown awry, diverse, different

voluptās, voluptātis fsatisfaction, enjoyment, pleasure, delight, desire for pleasure, bent, passion, male semen

query 1/E (max. 1000): 26 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aduncus, adunca, aduncumbent in the manner of a hook, hooked

amflexus, amflexa, amflexumbent round, curved round

animō intendōintend something, be bent on something, be intent on something, plan something, direct one's attention to something

annīs cōnfectusdecrepit, worn, bent by the years

circumāctus, circumācta, circumāctumbent around, curved

compernis, compernewith the knees bent inwards, knock-kneed

corresupīnātus, corresupīnāta, corresupīnātumbent backwards at the same time

curvābilis, curvābilethat may be bent, flexible

dēductus, dēducta, dēductumattenuated, muffled, thin, incurved, elongated, faint, delicate, drawn inwards, bent inwards, slender, weak, humble

sēmireductus, sēmireducta, sēmireductumhalf bent back

sinus, sinūs mbent surface, curve, fold, hollow, purse, money, bosom, bay, bight, gulf, basin, hollow, valley, the interior part, the inmost part of a thing

superflexus, superflexa, superflexumbent over

superincurvātus, superincurvāta, superincurvātumbent over, stooping over

supīnus, supīna, supīnumbackwards, bent backwards, thrown backwards, lying on the back, supine, going back, retrograde, sloping, inclined, stretched out, extended, careless, thoughtless, heedless, negligent, indolent, with head thrown back, haughty, proud

uncātus, uncāta, uncātumbent inwards, hooked, curved, bent down, bowed down, hooked, barbed

uncus, unca, uncumhooked, bent in, crooked, curved, barbed

valgus, valga, valgumhaving the calves of the legs bent outwards, bow-legged

vēna, vēnae fblood-vessel, vein, artery, water-course, vein of metals, urinary passage, streak of wood, row of trees, strength, the interior nature, the innate quality, the innermost feelings, pulse, a person’s natural bent, genius, disposition


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