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Suchergebnis zu
"aus bronze":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Deut. Fund; Engl. Fund;

In Wendungen bleiben als Einzelwörter unberücksichtigt: aus -

query 1/E (max. 1000): 25 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aēna, aēnae fbronze vessel

aēnëus, aēnëa, aēnëumof copper, of bronze, of the color of bronze, brazen

aēnipēs, aēnipedis (ahēnipēs)that has feet of bronze, bronzefooted

aēnius, aēnia, aēniumof copper, of bronze, of the color of bronze, brazen

aēnulum, aēnulī nsmall bronze vessel

aēnum calefactōheat the bronze kettle

aēnum, aēnī nbronze vessel

aēnus, aēna, aēnumof copper, of bronze, firm, invincible, hard, rigorous, inexorable

aerācius, aerācia, aerāciummade of copper, made of bronze

aerāmen, aerāminis ncopper vessel, bronze vessel, copper utensil, bronze utensil

aerāmentum, aerāmentī ncopper vessel, bronze vessel, copper utensil, bronze utensil

aerārius, aerāria, aerāriumthat pertains to copper, that is made of copper, that is made of bronze, pertaining to money

aerātus, aerāta, aerātumfurnished with copper, furnished with bronze, covered with copper, covered with bronze, having bronze feet, made of bronze, rich

aereus, aerea, aereummade of copper, furnished with copper, covered with copper, furnished with bronze, covered with bronze

aereus, aereī ma bronze coin

aerifer, aerifera, aeriferumbearing copper, bearing bronze, bearing bronze cymbals

aerificēwith the art of the worker in bronze

aerisonus, aerisona, aerisonumsounding with bronze

aerāre, aerōfurnish with copper, cover with copper, furnish with bronze, cover with bronze, made of bronze

aes, aeris nany crude metal dug out of the earth, copper, alloy (for the most part of copper and tin), bronze, everything made from copper or bronze, weapons, armor, utensils of husbandry, money, reward, payment

ahēnëus, ahēnëa, ahēnëumof copper, of bronze, of the color of bronze, brazen

ahēnipēs, ahēnipedisthat has feet of bronze, bronzefooted

ahēnus, ahēna, ahēnumof copper, of bronze, firm, invincible, hard, rigorous, inexorable

Dēliaca, Dēliacōrum nDelian bronze vases

splanchnoptes, splanchnoptae mroaster of entrails, bronze statue by Styppax


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