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Suchergebnis zu
"assess the worth of":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Deut. Fund; Engl. Fund;

In Wendungen bleiben als Einzelwörter unberücksichtigt: of - the -

query 1/E (max. 1000): 31 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
= aequiparāre, aequiparō, aequiparāvī, aequiparātumput a thing on an equality with another thing, compare, like, place one’s self on an equality with another in worth, become equal to, equal, come up to, attain to

aequiperāre, aequiperō, aequiperāvī, aequiperātumput a thing on an equality with another thing, compare, like, place one’s self on an equality with another in worth, become equal to, equal, come up to, attain to

aestimātiō, aestimātiōnis fmoney-value of a thing, valuation, appraisement, valuation, intrinsic worth of a thing, value of a thing

aestimium, aestimiī nmoney-value of a thing, valuation, appraisement, valuation, intrinsic worth of a thing, value of a thing

alga, algae fseaweed, thing of little worth

argentum vīlius aurō, silver is worth less than gold

argūmentum, argūmentī nevery kind of representation in writing, the subject-matter of a writing, subject, contents, scenic representation of a subject, intrinsic worth, reality, truth, subject of artistic representations, sculpture, painting, embroidery, conclusion, syllogism

assārius, assāria, assāriumworth as

assem habeās, assem valeāshow much one has, so much he is worth

auctōritās, auctōritātis fauthority, reputation, dignity, influence, weight, importance, significance, worth, value, estimation, example, pattern, model, warrant, credibility, record, document, guaranty, security

autōritās, autōritātis fauthority, reputation, dignity, influence, weight, importance, significance, worth, value, estimation, example, pattern, model, warrant, credibility, record, document, guaranty, security

blasphēmābilis, blasphēmābilethat deserves reproach, censurable, worth being reviled

cēnsēre, cēnseō, cēnsuī, cēnsumtax, assess, rate, estimate, value, make a statement of one’s property in the census, weigh, appreciate, judge, be of opinion, propose, vote, move, tell one’s opinion in the Senate, resolve, decree, think, believe, hold, suppose, imagine, advise

coaequāre, coaequō, coaequāvī, coaequātummake one thing equal with another, make one thing even with another, even, level, make equal in worth, make equal in dignity, make equal in power, bring to the same level, place on the same footing, equalize

commemorābilis, commemorābileworth mentioning, memorable

cōnspiciendus, cōnspicienda, cōnspiciendumworth seeing, worthy of attention, distinguished

dignitās, dignitātis fbeing worthy, worth, worthiness, merit, desert, dignity, greatness, grandeur, authority, rank, official dignity, honorable employment, office, men holding high office, men in honorable employment, value, excellence

diōbolāris, diōbolārethat costs two oboli, is worth two oboli

diōbolus, diōbola, diōbolumthat costs two oboli, is worth two oboli

dipondiārius, dipondiāria, dipondiāriumcontaining two asses, worth two coppers, worthles

dupondiārius, dupondiāria, dupondiāriumcontaining two asses, worth two coppers, worthles

adiuvāre, adiuvō, adiūvi, adiūtumit is useless, it runs nowhere, it fizzles out ineffectively, it leads to nothing, it is a wasted effort of love, it is not worth it

nūlum operae pretium estit's not worth the effort

nūlum operae pretium estnot worth it

sāviātus, sāviāta, sāviātumkiss worth

sextārius, sextāriī mcontaining a sextans asses, worth only the sixth part of the former

spectābilis, spectābilethat may be seen, visible, that is worth seeing, notable, , remarkable

tāxāre, tāxō, tāxāvī, tāxātumtouch sharply, feel, handle, twit, censure, reproach, charge, rate, value, appraise, estimate, determine the worth, judge of, estimate, compute, reckon

virtūs, virtūtis fmanliness, manhood, strength, vigor, bravery, courage, aptness, capacity, worth, excellence, virtue, moral perfection, virtuousness, obstinacy

virtūtem exhibeōprove his valor, prove his prowess, prove his virtue, prove his power, prove his strength, prove his might, prove his worth

vīsendus, vīsenda, vīsendumworth seeing


Wortform von: assess

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