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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 11 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
coīre, coeō, coiī (coīvī), coitumgo together, come together, meet, assemble, collect together, encounter, form a whole by coming together, be united into a whole, unite, combine, curdle, join together, assimilate, agree, ally one’s self, enter into an alliance, make a compact, form a league

cōgere, cōgō, coēgī, coāctumdrive together to one point, collect, compress, crowd, bring together, urge together, assemble, gather together, thicken, condense, curdle, coagulate, draw together, contract into a narrow place, urge one to any action, force, compel, constrain

colligere, colligō, collēgī, collēctumgather together, collect together, assemble, draw together, bring together, collect, contract, draw up, compress, concentrate, compress, make thick, thicken, bring together

compellere, compellō, compulī, compulsumdrive together to a place, collect, assemble, bring together, press together, drive, bring, move, impel, incite, urge, compel, force, constrain to something

condūcere, condūcō, condūxī, conductumdraw together, bring together, lead together, assemble, collect, connect, unite, coagulate, curdle, close up, hire, take on lease, to farm, hire for one’s use, rent, employ, borrow, bribe, undertake any service, contract for, profit, serve

congregāre, congregō, congregāvī, congregātumcollect into a flock, collect into a herd, assemble, collect in swarms, collect a multitude together, assemble a multitude together, unite, join, associate, collect, accumulate

congregārī, congregor, congregātumgather together, flock together, come together, live in company, assemble

contrahere, contrahō, contrāxī, contractumdraw together, bring together, collect, assemble, bring about, carry into effect, accomplish, execute, get, contract, occasion, cause, produce, make, have intercourse with, to associate with, to narrow, make smaller, make tapering, draw in, lessen, check, restrain

convenīre, conveniō, convēnī, conventumcome together, meet together, assemble, meet one judicially, sue, bring an action against, summon before a tribunal, unite, join, combine, couple, agree with in wishes, agree with in decisions, accord, harmonize, fit with, it in, fit to something, suit, be adapted to

convocāre, convocō, convocāvī, convocātumcall together, convoke, assemble, call

cōvenīre, cōveniō, cōvēnī, cōventumcome together, meet together, assemble, meet one judicially, sue, bring an action against, summon before a tribunal, unite, join, combine, couple, agree with in wishes, agree with in decisions, accord, harmonize, fit with, it in, fit to something, suit, be adapted to

query 1/E (max. 1000): 16 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
concenturiāre, concenturiōassemble by centuries, collect, bring together, prepare

conciēre, concieo, concitumurge together, bring together, assemble together (by exciting or rousing), collect, move violently, shake, stir up, rouse, excite, provoke, produce (action, passion, disquiet), cause (action, passion, disquiet)

concīre, conciō, concīvī, concītumurge together, bring together, assemble together (by exciting or rousing), collect, move violently, shake, stir up, rouse, excite, provoke, produce (action, passion, disquiet), cause (action, passion, disquiet)

concurrere, concurrō, concurrī, concursumrun together, come together in multitudes, assemble together in multitudes, rush or flock together in crowds, run in attendance upon, accompany, run for refuge, run for help, take refuge, run upon one another

coōrdināre, coōrdinō, coōrdināvī, coōrdinātumat the same time co-arrange, neatly assemble, put together neatly


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