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alicuius interest | alicuius interest | es ist für jdn. vorteilhaftit is advantageous for someone, it is beneficial for someone (+ inf. - zu tun) |
Leitzins | fēnus, fēnoris n | fenus, fenoris n | ||||
Leitzins (eigener Vorschlag) | pēnsiō ūsūrārum | pensio usurarum | ||||
Zinsrate (eigener Vorschlag) | fēnus, fēnoris n | fenus, fenoris n |
adesse, adsum, adfuī, adfutūrus (assum, affuī, affutūrus) | be present, be at hand, be present in mind, be present with attention, be present with interest, be present with sympathy, be present with courage |
adversus rem pūblicam faciō | act against the public interest |
alicuius causā cupiō | have interest for someone |
alicuius causā volō | have interest for someone |
alicuius reī adiūtor sum | take an active interest in something |
alicuius salūs mihi cordī est | take an interest in someone's welfare |
alicuius salūs mihi cūrae est | take an interest in someone's welfare |
aliquem cōnsiliī socium faciō | let someone share in one's deliberations, draw someone into one's interest, take someone into one's confidence |
aliquem in societātem cōnsiliī assūmō (adsūmō) | draw someone into one's interest, take someone into one's confidence |
aliquid ad mē pertinet | have interest in something, be interested in something |
anaglyphārius ūsūrārum | usurer who heaps interest upon interest |
anatocismus, anatocismī m (ἀνατοκισμός) | interest upon interest, compound interest |
animus dissolūtus | indifference, apathy, lack of interest |
adesse, assum, affuī, affutūrus | be present, be at hand, be present in mind, be present with attention, be present with interest, be present with sympathy, be present with courage, give attention to something, give heed, observe, attend to, be fearless, be of good courage, be associated with, |
beneficium cum ūsūrīs reddō | repay a benefit with interest |
causa imperiī | the interest of the state |
commoda alicuius tueor | protect someone's interest, safeguard someone's interests |
commoda pūblica | state interest |
commoda pūblica neglegō | neglect the public interest |
commoda reī familiāris | own interest, private interests |
commodīs alicuius serviō | serve someone's interest |
commūnis ūtilitās | common good, public good, public welfare, public interest |
cum alicuius bonō | in someone's interest |
cum alicuius commodō | in someone's interest |
cumulātē reddō | return with interest |
dēductum in partēs audientium studium | the shared interest of the audience |
pennās vertō | lose interest in something / someone |
sors, sortis f | lot, casting of lots, drawing of lots, decision by lot, share, duty assigned by lot, oracular response, oracular sayings, oracular verses, oracular sentences, fate, destiny, chance, fortune, condition, share, part, capital bearing interest, rank, class, order |
sortis, sortis f | lot, casting of lots, drawing of lots, decision by lot, share, duty assigned by lot, oracular response, oracular sayings, oracular verses, oracular sentences, fate, destiny, chance, fortune, condition, share, part, capital bearing interest, rank, class, order |
suffrāgātiō, suffrāgātiōnis f | voting for one, voting in one’s favor, interest, favor, support, suffrage |
tempus vēnāle | interest date |
ūssūrārius, ūssūrāria, ūssūrārium | that serves for use, that is fit for use, of which one has the use or enjoyment, belonging to interest, belonging to usury, that pays interest |
ūsūra centēsima | 1% interest per month, 12% interest per year |
ūsūra, ūsūrae f | using of a thing, use of a thing, enjoyment of a thing, use of money lent, interest, usury |
ūsūrae leviōrēs | low interest |
ūsūrae sēmissium | interest at six percent |
ūsūram ab aliquō accipiō | take interest |
ūsūram pendō | pay interest |
ūsūram perscrībō | add interest to the capital |
ūsūram solvō | pay interest |
ūsūrāriī, ūsūrāriōrum m | interest recipient, lender, money lender |
ūsūrārius, ūsūrāria, ūsūrārium | that serves for use, that is fit for use, of which one has the use or enjoyment, belonging to interest, belonging to usury, that pays interest |
ūsūrārius, ūsūrāria, ūsūrārium | that serves for use, that is fit for use, of which one has the use or enjoyment, belonging to interest, belonging to usury, that pays interest |
ūtilitās sī amīcitiās conglūtināret | if interest would tie friendship ties |
vectīgal ex scrīptūrā | income from pasture money, drift money, drift interest |
[83] Gen. Sgl. m./f./n. von | aliquis, aliquid irgendeiner, irgendetwas; jemand, etwas; so mancher, so manches; irgend jemand, irgend etwas; dieser und jener, dieses und jenes; manch einer, manch etwas; |
[83] Gen. Sgl. m./f./n. von | aliquī, aliqua, aliquod irgendein, irgendeine, irgendein; |