| | actum, quem debeo, sequor | āctum, quem dēbeō, sequor | verfahre richtig | | | |
| | | | wende die erforderliche Handlungsweise an | | | |
| | alicuius castra circumvenio | alicuius castra circumveniō | schließe jds. Lager einenclose someone's camp, encircle someone's camp, lock up someone's camp, encase someone's camp | | | |
| | alicuius causam sequor | alicuius causam sequor | schließe mich jds. Partei anjoin someone's party | | | |
| | alicuius partem sequor | alicuius partem sequor | schließe mich jds. Partei antake sides with someone, join someone's party, show solidarity with someone | | | |
| | | | solidarisiere mich mit jdm. | | | |
| | alicuius partes sequor | alicuius partēs sequor | ergreife für jdn. Parteitake sides with someone, side with someone | | | |
| | alicuius vestigium sequor | alicuius vestīgium sequor | folge jds. Spurtrace someone, keep track of someone, follow up someone's trail | | | |
| | | | gehe jds. Spur nach | | | |
| | aliquem sequor | aliquem sequor | geselle mich jds. Partei hinzu | | | |
| | | | schließe mich jds. Partei anjoin someone's party | | | |
| | | | trete jds. Partei bei | | | |
| | ante castra | ante castra | vor dem Lager (mit dem Lager vor Augen)in front of the camp | | | |
| | auctoritatem alicuius sequor | auctōritātem alicuius sequor | richte mich nach jds. Beispielfollow someone's example | | | |
| | auroram sequor | aurōram sequor | dringe bis zum äußersten Osten vor | | | |
| | bene monentem sequor | bene monentem sequor | lasse mich belehren | | | |
| | | | nehme eine Lehre anaccept a instruction, accept a teaching | | | |
| | bina castra | bīna castra | zwei Lagertwo camps | | | |
| | Caesar iuxta murum castra posuit | Caesar iūxtā mūrum castra posuit | Caesar schlug sein Lager nahe bei der Mauer aufCaesar set up camp near the wall | | | |
| | Caesaris partes sequor | Caesaris partēs sequor | bin auf Caesars Seitebe side with Caesar | | | |
| | | | schließe mich Caesars Partei anjoin Caesar's party, show solidarity with Caesar | | | |
| | | | solidarisiere mich mit Caesar | | | |
| | campus, qui castra praeiacet | campus, quī castra praeiacet | das Feld, das vor dem Lager liegtthe field in front of the camp | | | |
| | castra aequo loco pono | castra aequō locō pōnō | errichte ein Lager in günstiger Stellungset up a camp in a favourable position | | | |
| | castra aestiva | castra aestīva | Sommerlagersummer camp | | | |
| | castra aggere munio | castra aggere mūniō | befestige das Lager mit einem Wallfortify the camp with a wall | | | |
| | castra appugno | castra appūgnō | greife das Lager anattack the camp | | | |
| | castra arripio | castra arripiō | greife das Lager anattack the camp | | | |
| | castra asylum facio | castra asȳlum faciō | mache eine Kaserne zum Asylmaking a barracks into an asylum (eigener Vorschlag) | | | |
| | castra Baetim transfero | castra Baetim trānsferō | verlege das Lager über den Baetis (Guadalquivir)move the camp across the Baetis (Guadalquivir) | | | |
| | castra carceralia | castra carcerālia | Konzentrationslagerconcentration camp | | | |
| | castra castris coniungo | castra castrīs coniungō | bilde ein Lagerset up a camp | | | |
| | castra colloco | castra collocō | schlage ein Lager aufset up a camp, establish a camp | | | |
| | castra commoveo | castra commoveō | breche auf | | | |
| | | | breche das Lager abdismantle the camp, get on my way, start marching | | | |
| | castra communio | castra communiō | schlage ein festes Lager aufset up a fortified camp | | | |
| | castra coniungo | castra coniungō | errichte ein gemeinschaftliches Lagerestablish a joint camp | | | |
| | castra facio | castra faciō | schlage ein Lager aufset up a camp, establish a camp | | | |
| | castra habeo | castra habeō | habe ein Lager aufgeschlagenhave set up camp | | | |
| | | | liege im Feldare on the battlefield, be at war | | | |
| | castra habeo contra aliquem | castra habeō contrā aliquem | stehe im Feld gegen jdn.be in the battlefield against someone, be at war against someone | | | |
| | | | stehe im Krieg gegen jdn. | | | |
| | castra hiberna | castra hīberna | Winterlagerwinter camp | | | |
| | castra hostium | castra hostium | das Lager der Feindethe enemy's camp (im lat. Sprachkurs) | | | |
| | castra hostium capio | castra hostium capiō | erobere das Lager der Feindeconquer the camp of the enemies, capture the enemy's camp | | | |
| | castra hostium circumeo | castra hostium circumeō | umgehe das Lager der Feindego around the camp of the enemies | | | |
| | castra hostium diripio | castra hostium dīripiō | plündere das Lager der Feindeplunder the enemies' camp | | | |
| | castra idoneo loco pono | castra idōneō locō pōnō | errichte ein Lager in günstiger Stellung | | | |
| | castra intuta | castra intūta | Unsicherheit des Lagersinsecurity of the camp | | | |
| | castra loco | castra locō | schlage ein Lager aufset up camp, establish a camp | | | |
| | castra lunata | castra lūnāta | halbmondförmiges Lagercrescent-shaped camp | | | |
| | castra metor | castra mētor | stecke ein Lager abstake out a camp, measure out a camp | | | |
| | castra moveo | castra moveō | breche aufdismantle the camp, get on my way, start marching | | | |
| | | | breche ein Lager ab | | | |
| | | | marschiere fort | | | |
| | | | rücke weiter | | | |
| | castra munio | castra mūniō | schlage ein befestigtes Lager aufset up a fortified camp | | | |
| | castra nautica | castra nautica | Schiffslagerberth of the vessels, location of the vessels | | | |
| | | | Standort der Schiffe | | | |
| | castra navalia | castra nāvālia | befestigter Landeplatzfortified landing place of ships, ship gathering | | | |
| | | | Schiffslager (zur Deckung der Schiffe am Ufer) | | | |
| | castra nudo | castra nūdō | lasse das Lager ohne Verteidigerleave the camp without defenders | | | |
| | castra operaria | castra operāria | Arbeitslagerlabour camp, work camp | | | |
| | castra opportuno loco posita sunt | castra opportūnō locō posita sunt | das Lager ist günstig gelegenthe camp is favourably located | | | |
| | castra pono | castra pōnō | beziehe eine feste Stellungtake up a fortified position | | | |
| | | | nehme eine feste Stellung ein | | | |
| | | | schlage ein Lager aufset up camp, establish a camp | | | |
| | castra praesidiis firmo | castra praesidiīs fīrmō | sichere das Lager durch Vorpostensecure the camp by outposts | | | |
| | castra praetergredi | castra praetergredi | am Lager vorbeigehengo past the camp, pass in front of the camp (im lat. Sprachkurs) | | | |
| | castra praetergredior | castra praetergredior | ziehe vor dem Lager vorbei | | | |
| | castra praetoria | castra praetōria | Prätorianerkasernethe camp of the prœtorians | | | |
| | castra promoveo | castra prōmoveō | marschiere vorwärtsmarch forward, move forward, advance, move on | | | |
| | | | rücke vorwärts | | | |
| | castra refero | castra referō | schlage das Lager weiter rückwärts aufset up camp further backwards, move the camp backwards, retreat | | | |
| | | | verlege das Lager zurück | | | |
| | | | ziehe mich zurück | | | |
| | castra removeo | castra removeō | gehe zurückmarch back, go back, retreat | | | |
| | | | marschiere rückwärts | | | |
| | | | marschiere zurück | | | |
| | castra repeto | castra repetō | greife das Lager erneut anattack the camp again, attack the camp once more | | | |
| | | | kehre ins Lager zurückreturn to the camp | | | |
| | castra retro refero | castra retrō referō | verlege das Lager zurückmove the camp back, retreat | | | |
| | | | ziehe mich zurück | | | |
| | castra saxis praeruptis suspendo | castra saxīs praeruptīs suspendō | schlage das Lager auf hohen Felsen aufcamp on high rocks, set up camp on high rocks | | | |
| | castra stativa | castra statīva | Standlagerstand camp, stand quarters | | | |
| | | | Standquartier | | | |
| | castra temerata | castra temerāta | durch Aufruhr entweihtes Lagercamp desecrated by riot | | | |
| | castra trans Peneum transfero | castra trāns Pēnēum trānsferō | verlege das Lager über den Peneusmove the camp across the Peneus | | | |
| | castra tumultuaria | castra tumultuāria | Notlageremergency camp | | | |
| | castra ultra eum locum transfero | castra ultrā eum locum trānsferō | verlege das Lager hinter diesen Ortmove the camp behind this place | | | |
| | castra vallari placuit | castra vallārī placuit | man beschloss, ein verschanztes Lager anzulegenit was decided to set up a fortified camp | | | |
| | castra vallo | castra vallō | lege ein verschanztes Lager anmake a fortified camp, set up a fortified camp | | | |
| | castra vallo et fossa cingo | castra vallō et fossā cingō | befestige das Lager mit Wall und Grabenfortify the camp with ramparts and moats | | | |
| | castra vallo munio | castra vallō mūniō | befestige das Lager mit einem Wallfortify the camp with a wall | | | |
| | castra, castrorum n | castra, castrōrum n | Feldlager (mit Wall und Graben) | | | |
| | | | Hofhaltung (des Kaisers) | | | |
| | | | Hofstaat (des Kaisers) | | | |
| | | | Kaserne (der Prätorianer) | | | |