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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 34 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adsēnsiō, adsēnsiōnis fassent, agreement, approval, applause, assent to the reality of sensible appearances

adsēnsus, adsēnsūs magreement, assent, approval, approbation, joyful assent, loud assent, assent to the reality of sensible appearances, echo

assēnsiō, assēnsiōnis fassent, agreement, approval, approbation, applause, assent to the reality of sensible appearances (συγκατάθεσις)

assēnsus, assēnsūs magreement, assent, approval, approbation, joyful assent, loud assent, assent to the reality of sensible appearances, echo

cōgnātiō, cōgnātiōnis fblood relationship, kindred, connection by birth, relations, persons, allied by descent, relationship, association, intimate connection, natural connection, agreement, kindred, resemblance, affinity

compactum, compactī n (compectum, compectī n)agreement, , arrangement, understanding, contract

comparātiō, comparātiōnis fcomparing, comparison, trial of skill, contention, relation, agreement, contract, coupling, pairing, climax, comparative degree

compassiō, compassiōnis ffellow-suffering, fellow-feeling, sympathy, agreement

compatientia, compatientiae ffellow-suffering, fellow-feeling, sympathy, agreement

competentia, competentiae fmeeting together, agreement, symmetry, conjunction, aspect

competītiō, competītiōnis fagreement, judicial demand, rivalry

compositiō, compositiōnis fpeaceful union, accommodation of a difference, agreement, compact, bringing together of combatants, matching of combatants

concentus, concentūs msounds blending harmoniously together, symphony, harmony, harmonious music, choir singing in harmony, concordant acclamation of people in a theatre, concord, agreement, harmony, unanimity

condiciō, condiciōnis fagreement, stipulation, condition, compact, proposition, terms, demand, marriage, match, amour, the relation of lover or mistress, external position, external situation, condition, rank, place, circumstances, situation, nature, mode, manner

conditiō, conditiōnis fagreement, stipulation, condition, compact, proposition, terms, demand, marriage, match, amour, the relation of lover or mistress, external position, external situation, condition, rank, place, circumstances, situation, nature, mode, manner

cōnfoederātiō, cōnfoederātiōnis fcovenant, agreement

congruentia, congruentiae fagreement, harmony, congruity, symmetry

coniūnctiō, coniūnctiōnis fa joining together, connecting, uniting, union, conjunction, agreement, affinity, sympathy, conjugal connection, marriage, wedlock,

cōnsēnsiō, cōnsēnsiōnis fan agreeing together, agreement, unanimity, common accord, harmony, plot, combination, conspiracy, those who have banded together, conspirators

cōnsēnsus, cōnsēnsūs magreement, accordance, unanimity, concord, plot, conspiracy, harmony, sympathy, common feeling, common life

cōnsonantia, cōnsonantiae fagreement, harmony, consonance

cōnstantia, cōnstantiae fa firm standing, steadiness, firmness, immutability, unchangeableness, constancy, perseverance, agreement, harmony, symmetry, consistency, firmness of character, steadfastness, immovability, self-possession

cōnstitūtum, cōnstitūtī ninstitution, ordinance, law, agreement, appointment, accommodation, a compact

contractus, contractūs ma drawing together, shrinking, wrinkling, an entering upon an affair,a transacting of an affair, contract, agreement

convenientia, convenientiae fa meeting together, agreement, accord, harmony, symmetry, conformity, suitableness, fitness

conventum, conventī nagreement, compact, covenant, convention, accord

conventus, conventūs ma meeting, assembly, persons associated in a provincial town for the sake of trade, company, corporation, judicial assembly, court of justice, union, conjunction, connection, compact, agreement, covenant

dēcīsiō, dēcīsiōnis fdecision, settlement, agreement

dēpactiō, dēpactiōnis fcontract, agreement, arrangement, deal, convention

dēpectiō, dēpectiōnis fcontract, agreement, arrangement, deal, convention

spōnsum, spōnsī ncovenant, agreement, engagement

stipulātiō, stipulātiōnis fpromise given on demand, engagement, agreement, bargain, covenant, stipulation, obligation

trānsāctiō, trānsāctiōnis fcompleting, completion, agreement, transaction

ūnitās, ūnitātis fstate of being one, oneness, unity, unity of sentiment, agreement, concord

query 1/E (max. 1000): 75 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
affirmātīvēaffirmatively, in a way that expresses approval or agreement

aliquem in cōnscientiam assūmō (adsūmō)draw someone into agreement, bring someone into line, implicate someone

analogia, analogiae f (ἀναλογία) (acc.analogiān)resemblance or agreement of several things, analogy of language, analogy

astipulātus, astipulātūs m (nur Abl. Sgl. astipulātū)assent to, agreement with, assenting to, affirming the same facts, modulation of the voice according to the sentiment

astipulātus, astipulātūs massent to, agreement with, assenting to, affirming the same facts, modulation of the voice according to the sentiment

cohaerēre, cohaereō, cohaesī, cohaesumbe connected with, cleave to, be in contact with, be closely connected with, be in agreement with, be in harmony with, be vitally connected with, depend upon

compacīscī, compacīscor, compactus sum, (compecīscor, compectus sum)make an agreement, form a compact with one

compactō (compectō)according to agreement, according to concert, , in accordance with a previous compact

compactō (compectō)by mutual agreement

comparāre inter sēagree together in respect to the division of duties, come to an agreement

compōnere, compōnō, composuī, compositumdispose, arrange, contrive, devise, prepare, arrange in agreement with others, agree upon, contrive, devise, invent, conspire to make, feign, invent

comprehēnsīva dē oeconomiā et mercātūrā pactiōComprehensive economic and trade agreement (Ceta)

conciliāmur inter nōs (conciliāminī inter vōs, conciliantur inter sē)we get closer, we come to an agreement, we agree

cōnsilia inīre coepīcome to an agreement

cōnspīrātiō, cōnspīrātiōnis fa blowing together, breathing together, an agreement in feeling, agreement in opinion, union, unanimity, concord, harmony, plotting, plot, mutiny, conspiracy, the conspirators, body of conspirators

cōnspīrātus, cōnspīrātūs m (nur Abl. Sgl. cōnspīrātū)a blowing together, breathing together, an agreement in feeling, agreement in opinion, union, unanimity, concord, harmony, plotting, plot, mutiny, conspiracy, the conspirators, body of conspirators

cōnstitūtōrius, cōnstitūtōria, cōnstitūtōriumpertaining to agreement

cōnstitūtum faciō cum aliquōmake an agreement with someone

cōnstāre, cōnstō, cōnstitī, cōnstātūrusstand with, agree with, be in accord, be in agreement, correspond, fit

conventiō SchengeniānaSchengen Agreement

conventiōnālis, conventiōnālepertaining to an agreement, pertaining to a compact, conventional

conventiōnis nōs paenitetwe regret the agreement

Conventus generālis ab vectīgālibus ac commerciō (GATT)General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

cum reō trānsigōcome to an agreement with the accused, agree with the defendant

dē atmosphaerā tuendā convēnitagreement has been reached on the need to protect the atmosphere

dē compositō by agreement

dē pācis condiciōnibus convenitagreement is reached on the terms of peace

dēcīsiōnem faciōmake an agreement, conclude an agreement

dēpacīscī, dēpacīscor, depactus sumbargain for, agree upon, make an agreement

dēpecīscī (dēpacīscī) dēpecīscor (dēpacīscor), depectus sumbargain for, agree upon, make an agreement

ex compositō according to agreement, by agreement, in concert

ex conventūby agreement

spōnsiō, spōnsiōnis fsolemn promise, solemn engagement, promise, guarantee, security, sponsion, bet, betting, sum of money deposited according to agreement, stake

summa est virōrum doctissimōrum cōnsēnsiōthere is the greatest agreement among scholars

symphōnia, symphōniae f (συμφωνία),agreement of sounds, concord, harmony, symphony, signal in war, kind of musical instrument

symphōnium, symphōniī nagreement of sounds, concord, harmony, symphony

syngrapha, syngraphae f (συγγραφή)written agreement to pay, promissory note, bond

trānsigō dē aliquā rē cum aliquōreach an agreement with someone

ut convēnerataccording to the agreement

ut erat cōnstitūtumaccording to the agreement, in accordance with the convention

varius adsēnsusshared consent, shared approval, shared agreement, divided consent


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