| | aevum agito | aevum agitō | verbringe meine Lebenszeitspend one's lifetime | | | |
| | agito (in) animo aliquid | agitō (in) animō aliquid | überlege etw. bei mirthink something over with oneself | | | |
| | agito (in) mente aliquid | agitō (in) mente aliquid | überlege etw. bei mirthink something over with oneself | | | |
| | agito 1 | agitāre, agitō, agitāvī, agitātum | beabsichtige | | | |
| | | | bedenkedrive at a thing in the mind, turn over, revolve, weigh, consider, meditate upon, deliberate upon, devise, contrive, plot, be occupied with, design, intend, treat of, speak of, concerning a thing, confer about [rem in corde, rem in mente, rem secum] | | | |
| | | | begehe (ein Fest) | | | |
| | | | behaupte [has res] | | | |
| | | | benehme mich | | | |
| | | | bespreche [rem ultro citroque] | | | |
| | | | betreibe [has res] | | | |
| | | | beunruhige | | | |
| | | | bewege hin und herput a thing in motion, drive, impel, move, shake, hunt, chase, pursue, drive to and fro, toss about, agitate, disturb, rouse up, excite, move, urge, drive, impel to something, disquiet, disturb, drive hither and thither, vex, trouble [rem in corde, rem in mente, rem secum] | | | |
| | | | bezwecke | | | |
| | | | bringe in Unruhe | | | |
| | | | bringe zu (eine Zeit) | | | |
| | | | durchjage [saltus venatu] | | | |
| | | | errege | | | |
| | | | erwäge [rem in corde, rem in mente, rem secum] | | | |
| | | | feiere (ein Fest) | | | |
| | | | gehe mit dem Gedanken um | | | |
| | | | gehe mit mir zu Rate | | | |
| | | | habe im Sinn [rem in corde, rem in mente, rem secum] | | | |
| | | | habe vor | | | |
| | | | halte in Bewegung [corpus - sich] | | | |
| | | | hause (mit Ortsangabe) | | | |
| | | | herrsche | | | |
| | | | hetze [feras] | | | |
| | | | hetze [feras] | | | |
| | | | jage fort | | | |
| | | | jage umher | | | |
| | | | lebe | | | |
| | | | lenke [currus ad flumina, spumantem equum] | | | |
| | | | obwalte | | | |
| | | | peitsche auf [mare, arenam] | | | |
| | | | plage | | | |
| | | | quäletorment, assail with reproach, assail with derision, assail with insult, reprove, blame, scoff, deride, insult, mock, drive on a thing, urge on a thing, drive at, be employed in, be engaged in, have, hold, keep, celebrate, pass, spend, live, dwell, abide, sojourn, be | | | |
| | | | rege an [mens agitat molem] | | | |
| | | | rege auf | | | |
| | | | reize [invidiā agitatus] | | | |
| | | | rudere hin und her | | | |
| | | | rudere hin und her (tr.) | | | |
| | | | rühre um (beim Kochen) | | | |
| | | | rüttele (aliquid - an etw.) [pessulum] | | | |
| | | | scheuche fort | | | |
| | | | schüttele hin und her [hastam] | | | |
| | | | setze in Bewegung [mens agitat molem] | | | |
| | | | setze in Gang | | | |
| | | | setze zu (aliquem - jdm.) | | | |
| | | | sinne auf etw. [rem in corde, rem in mente, rem secum] | | | |
| | | | sporne an | | | |
| | | | trage mich mit dem Gedanken | | | |
| | | | treibe an | | | |
| | | | treibe fort (rauben) [praedas pecorum] | | | |
| | | | treibe herum [iumentorum gregem] | | | |
| | | | treibe hin und her | | | |
| | | | treibe mich herum (mit Ortsangabe) | | | |
| | | | tummele (Tiere) | | | |
| | | | übe aus | | | |
| | | | überdenke [rem in corde, rem in mente, rem secum] | | | |
| | | | überlege | | | |
| | | | verfechte [has res] | | | |
| | | | verfolge | | | |
| | | | verhandele [rem ultro citroque] | | | |
| | | | verjage [chelydros] | | | |
| | | | verlebe (eine Zeit) | | | |
| | | | verrichte | | | |
| | | | verscheuche [chelydros] | | | |
| | | | versetze in Unruhe | | | |
| | | | verspotte | | | |
| | | | verweile (mit Ortsangabe) | | | |
| | | | verwirre | | | |
| | | | wirbele auf [mare, arenam] | | | |
| | | | wohne (mit Ortsangabe) | | | |
| | agito de aliqua re | agitō dē aliquā rē | beabsichtige etw.intend something, deal with something | | | |
| | | | gehe mit etw. um | | | |
| | animo agito | animō agitō | bedenkebear in mind (aliquid / de aliqua re - etw.) | | | |
| | choros agito | chorōs agitō | führe Chöhre aufperforming choirs | | | |
| | consilium ad aliquid faciendum agito | cōnsilium ad aliquid faciendum agitō | betreibe den Plan von etw. | | | |
| | consilium ad aliquid faciendum agito | cōnsilium ad aliquid faciendum agitō | plane etw. | | | |
| | consilium ad aliquid faciendum agito | cōnsilium ad aliquid faciendum agitō | beabsichtige etw. | | | |
| | | | gehe mit dem Plan von etw. um | | | |
| | | | trage mich mit dem Plan von etw.operate the plan of something, deal with the plan of something | | | |
| | consilium alicuius rei agito | cōnsilium alicuius reī agitō | beabsichtige etw.intend something, operate the plan of something, deal with the plan of something | | | |
| | | | betreibe den Plan von etw. | | | |
| | | | gehe mit dem Plan von etw. um | | | |
| | | | plane etw. | | | |
| | | | trage mich mit dem Plan von etw. | | | |
| | cum animo agito | cum animō agitō | bedenkeconsider, consider with oneself (aliquid / de aliqua re - etw.) | | | |
| | equos agitare | equōs agitāre | die Rosse tummeln | | | |
| | feras agito | ferās agitō | veranstalte eine Treibjagd | | | |
| | fluctibus agitor | flūctibus agitor | werde von den Wogen hin- und hergetrieben | | | |
| | | | werde von den Wogen hin- und hergeworfen | | | |
| | Furiae agitant et vexant aliquem | Furiae agitant et vexant aliquem | die Furien treiben jdn. rastlos umher und peinigen ihn | | | |
| | in mente agito | in mente agitō | bedenke (aliquid / de aliqua re - etw.) | | | |
| | iustitiam agito | iūstitiam agitō | lasse Gerechtigkeit walten | | | |
| | maiora quam pro viribus agito | māiōra quam prō vīribus agitō | überschätze meine Kräfteoverestimate one's strength | | | |
| | mens scelerum furiis agitatur | mēns scelerum furiīs agitātur | werde von Gewissensqualen verfolgt | | | |
| | mente agito | mente agitō | bedenke (aliquid / de aliqua re - etw.) | | | |
| | plus quam civilia agito | plūs quam cīvīlia agitō | will zu hoch hinaus | | | |
| | pulsu adventicio agitor | pulsū adventīciō agitor | werde von äußeren Antrieben bewegt | | | |
| | pulsu externo agitor | pulsū externō agitor | werde von äußeren Antrieben bewegt | | | |
| | rem animo agito | rem animō agitō | habe etwas vor | | | |
| | | | plane etwas | | | |
| | terris vel undis agitor | terrīs vel undīs agitor | werde über Land und Meer getrieben | | | |