Suchergebnis zu "aequipero":1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:Lat. Fund; query 1/L (max. 1000): 8 Ergebnis(se)
| | aequipero 1 | aequiperāre, aequiperō, aequiperāvī, aequiperātum | erreiche jdn. [Iovi, deos] | | | | | | | | komme jdm. gleich [Iovi, deos] | | | | | | | | mache gleichput a thing on an equality with another thing, compare, like, place one’s self on an equality with another in worth, become equal to, equal, come up to, attain to [talionem ad amussim] | | | | | | | | mache gleich beschaffen [talionem ad amussim] | | | | | | | | setze gleich [meas virtutes ad tuas] | | | | | | | | stelle gleich [meas virtutes ad tuas] | | | | | | | | tue es jdm. gleich [Iovi, deos] | | | | | | | | vergleiche aliquid alicui rei / aliquid ad aliquid - etw. mit etw.) [meas virtutes ad tuas] | | | |
query 1/Q: obliquer Gebrauch von aequipero (max. 1000): 1 Ergebnis(se)
| | aequiparo 1 | = aequiparāre, aequiparō, aequiparāvī, aequiparātum | = aequiperāre, aequiperō, aequiperāvī, aequiperātum - mache gleichput a thing on an equality with another thing, compare, like, place one’s self on an equality with another in worth, become equal to, equal, come up to, attain to [meas virtutes ad tuas] | | | |
Wortform von: aequipero[21] 1. Sgl. Ind. Prs. Akt. von | aequiperāre, aequiperō, aequiperāvī, aequiperātum stelle gleich; setze gleich; mache gleich; vergleiche; tue es jdm. gleich; komme jdm. gleich; erreiche jdn.; mache gleich beschaffen; |
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