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Suchergebnis zu
"action of touching":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Deut. Fund; Engl. Fund;

In Wendungen bleiben als Einzelwörter unberücksichtigt: of -

query 1/4E (max. 1000): 101 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
accūsātiō, accūsātiōnis fcomplaint, accusation, indictment, bill of indictment, action, suit

āctiō tribūtōriaaction for compensation, action for compensation

āctiō, āctiōnis fdoing, performing, acting, action, act, public performance, public function, civil act, proceeding, duty, negotiation, deliberation, suit, process, pleading of a case

āctīvus, āctīva, āctīvumpractical, which designate transitive action, active

āctor, āctōris mone who drives or moves something, he who does any thing, doer, performer, one who brings an action, plaintiff, one who conducts a suit, advocate, agent, attorney, administrator, manager, steward, overseer of property, one who delivers any oral discourse, player, actor

admonēre, admoneō, admonuī, admonitumbring up to one’s mind, put one in mind of, remind, suggest, advise, warn, admonish, recall a thing to memory, bring to remembrance, incite to action, urge to action

admonitor, admonitōris mhe that reminds one of something, he that admonishes one to something, monitor, one that urges to action, admonisher

adorīrī, adorior, adortus sumrise up for the purpose of undertaking something hazardous, approach a person in order to address him or to ask something of him, approach one with hostile intent, assault, assail, enter upon any course of action, undertake any thing difficult, undertake any

adsūmptīvus, adsūmptīva, adsūmptīvum taken in addition, which takes the defence of an action from an extraneous cause, assumptive, extrinsic

adtāctus, adtāctūs mtouching, touch

adtingere, adtingō, adtigī, adtāctumtouch, come in contact with, strike, attack, assault, taste, crop, come to a place, to approach, reach, arrive at, lie near, border upon, be contiguous to, affect, touch upon in speaking, mention, undertake, enter upon some course of action, apply one’s self to

adtrectātiō, adtrectātiōnis ftouching, handling, term applied to words which denote a taking of many things together

adtrectatus, adtrectatus mhandling, touching, feeling

aestimātōria, aestimātōriae fthe action which aims at the true value of a thing

affectīvus, affectīva, affectīvumdenoting an emotion, moving, touching

agilis, agilehat can be easily moved, easily movable, that moves easily, that moves quickly, nimble, agile, quick, rapid, sudden, hasty, precipitate in action, prompt, active, busy

agere, agō, ēgī, āctumact, perform, deliver, pronounce, do, labor, transact, be occupied with, think upon, have in view, aim at, pass (time), spend (time), conduct, manage, carry on, administer, represent by external action, play

alogia, alogiae firrational conduct or action, folly, dumbness, muteness

ammonēre, ammoneō, ammonuī, ammonitumbring up to one’s mind, put one in mind of, remind, suggest, advise, warn, admonish, recall a thing to memory, bring to remembrance, incite to action, urge to action

antecēdēns, antecēdentis nthe antecedent (cause), precondition, cause of action, cause, reason, starting point

antecēdentia, antecēdentium npreconditions, causes of action, causes, reasons, starting point, what precedes, what underlies

argūtia, argūtiae fthat which is clear to the senses, vigor of expression, liveliness, animation, the chattering notes of the nightingale, chattering discourse, brightness, acuteness, wit, genius, slyness, subtlety, cunning, shrewdness in speech or action

argūtiae, argūtiārum fthat which is clear to the senses, vigor of expression, liveliness, animation, the chattering notes of the nightingale, chattering discourse, brightness, acuteness, wit, genius, slyness, subtlety, cunning, shrewdness in speech or action

assūmptīvus, assūmptīva, assūmptīvum (adsūmptīvus)taken in addition, which takes the defence of an action from an extraneous cause, assumptive, extrinsic

attāctus, attāctūs mtouching, touch

attiguus, attigua, attiguumtouching, bordering on, contiguous to

attingere, attingō, attigī, attāctumundertake, enter upon some course of action, apply one’s self to, be occupied with, engage in, take in hand, manage, arrive somewhere, be similar, belong to, appertain to, concern, relate to

attrectātiō, attrectātiōnis ftouching, handling, term applied to words which denote a taking of many things together

attrectātus, attrectātūs m (adtrectātus)handling, touching, feeling

auferre, auferō, abstulī, ablātumseparate, sever, divide, lay aside some action, cease from, desist from, leave off, corry off, obtain, get, receive, acquire, carry away the knowledge of a thing, learn, understand

calculī, calculōrum mprinciples of action

calculum redūcōtake back an action, take back a move, withdraw a stone

calumnia, calumniae fperversion of justice, bringing of an action in bad faith, conviction for malicious prosecution

campus, campī m (cf. κῆπος)an even, flat place, plain, field, the produce of the field, any level surface, place of action

catastropha, catastrophae f (καταστροφή)turning-point of an action, catastrophe

catastrophē, catastrophēs f (Akk. catastrophēn) (καταστροφή)turning-point of an action, catastrophe

causā dēsistōwithdraw from the action, abandon the lawsuit

causa efficiēnsreason for occurrence, cause of action

causam ad iūdicem dēferō aliquidbring an action before the court

causātīva, causātīvōrum nmatter in dispute, gist of the action

celeritās medicīnaerapid action of a medicine, rapid effect of a drug

circumscrībere, circumscrībō, circumscrīpsi, circumscrīptumdraw a line around, circumscribe, enclose in a circle, draw a line as the circumference of a thing, define, encompass, enclose, limit, bound, contract, hem in, hinder free action, restrain, confine

cōgere, cōgō, coēgī, coāctumdrive together to one point, collect, compress, crowd, bring together, urge together, assemble, gather together, thicken, condense, curdle, coagulate, draw together, contract into a narrow place, urge one to any action, force, compel, constrain

comminus ad aliquem accēdōbother someone, get on someone's body, take action against someone

committere, committō, commīsī, commissumbegin any course of action, undertake a action, carry on a action

commoditās, commoditātis fdue measure, just proportion, symmetry, fitness, suitable oratorical expression, easy, unrestrained, free action, dexterity, skill, convenience, ease, a fit occasion, advantage, benefit, pleasantness, complaisance, courteousness, forbearance, lenity

commovēns, commoventismoving, exciting, poignant, stirring, touching, shaking, soul-stirring, pitiful, touching, affecting

conciēre, concieo, concitumurge together, bring together, assemble together (by exciting or rousing), collect, move violently, shake, stir up, rouse, excite, provoke, produce (action, passion, disquiet), cause (action, passion, disquiet)

concīre, conciō, concīvī, concītumurge together, bring together, assemble together (by exciting or rousing), collect, move violently, shake, stir up, rouse, excite, provoke, produce (action, passion, disquiet), cause (action, passion, disquiet)

concitāre, concitō, concitāvī, concitātummove violently, put in violent or quick motion, stir up, rouse up, excite, incite, shake, rouse, urge, impel one to, move strongly, influence, instigate, rouse, cause any action, occasion any action, produce any emotion

cōnsertē contextēque agōcarry out a concerted action

cōnsiliō et rē aliquem iūvōsupport someone with advice and action, support someone with words and deeds

cōnsiliō manūquewith advice and action, , with word and deeds

cōnsilium agendīaction plan

cōnsilium perficiōput a plan into action, realize a plan, carry out a plan

cōnsistere, cōnsistō, cōnstitīto place one’s self anywhere, stand still, stand, halt, stop, make a stop, set, become hard, become solid, take one’s place, take position, assume a place, assume a attitude for an action, make a halt

cōnsurgere, cōnsurgo, cōnsurrēxī, cōnsurrēctumraise one’s self, rise, rise up together, stand up, arise, rise up for any action, stand up for any action, take rise

contāctus, contāctūs ma touching, touch, contact, touching of something unclean, a contagion, infection

contāgiō, contāgiōnis fa touching, contact, touch, union, connection, contacl with something physically or morally unclean, contagion, infection, pollution, vicious companionship, vicious intercourse, participation, contamination

contāgium, contāgiī na touching, contact, touch, union, connection, contacl with something physically or morally unclean, contagion, infection, pollution, vicious companionship, vicious intercourse, participation, contamination

contāmen, contāminis na touching, contact, touch, union, connection, contacl with something physically or morally unclean, contagion, infection, pollution, vicious companionship, vicious intercourse, participation, contamination

contārī, contordelay action, linger, loiter, hesitate, doubt,

contrectātiō, contrectātiōnis fa touching, touch, contact, an illegal appropriation, stealing, theft

convenīre, conveniō, convēnī, conventumcome together, meet together, assemble, meet one judicially, sue, bring an action against, summon before a tribunal, unite, join, combine, couple, agree with in wishes, agree with in decisions, accord, harmonize, fit with, it in, fit to something, suit, be adapted to

cōvenīre, cōveniō, cōvēnī, cōventumcome together, meet together, assemble, meet one judicially, sue, bring an action against, summon before a tribunal, unite, join, combine, couple, agree with in wishes, agree with in decisions, accord, harmonize, fit with, it in, fit to something, suit, be adapted to

crīmen alicuī intentōthreaten someone with a lawsuit, threaten someone with legal action

crīmen in aliquō cōnstituōtake legal action against someone, bring an action against somebody, bring a lawsuit against someone

cunctārī, cunctor, cunctātus sumdelay action, linger, loiter, hesitate, doubt

currentem incitōdrive an active person to action

dedecus, dedecoris ndisgrace, dishonor, infamy, shame, blot, blemish, moral dishonor, vice, turpitude, a vicious action, shameful deed

dica, dicae f (δίκη)lawsuit, judicial process, action

dicam alicuī impingōbring a heavy action against one

dicam alicuī scrībōbring an action against any one

dīrēctiō agendīdirection of action

fortiōribus remediīs ūtortake tough action, intervene more vigorously, intervene more forcefully, take stronger measures

fortiter et strēnuē agōintervene emphatically, take tough action

lītem alicuī intendōbring an action against someone, bring a lawsuit against someone

lītem contestorintroduce a lawsuit by calling witnesses, bring an action, set on foot an action

manum immittōtake action, intervene, step in, take action

meā dextrāby my hand, by my fist, by my bravery, by my action, by my commitment

nocēns, nocentis mwrongdoer, , hat commits a wicked action, bad, wicked, culpable, criminal, malefactor, delinquent

nunc dēmum agōn estnow we must act, now is the time for action

quiēscere, quiēscō, quiēvī, quiētumrest, repose, keep quiet, keep calm, remain neutral, abstain from action, sleep, lie still, be still, be quiet, be silent, suffer quietly, allow quietly, peaceably permit, cease, leave off, desist from, cause to cease, render quiet, stop

remediīs graviōribus ūtortake tough action, intervene more vigorously, intervene more forcefully, take stronger measures

scelus, sceleris nan evil deed, a wicked action, a heinous action, an impious action, a crime, a sin, enormity, wickedness

spatium agendīsphere of action, range of action, area of influence, area of action, area of action, span width

spatium, spatiī nroom, space distance, interval, size, bulk, extent walk, promenade, public place, public square, race-course, room in a building, space in a building, action of walking, walk, promenade, turn, course, space of time, period, time, leisure, opportunity, path, race, track

spissāre, spissō, spissāvī, spissātumthicken, make thick, condense, urge on, hasten an action, perform it more rapidly

stringor, stringōris mtouching, touch, twinge, shock

studēre, studeō, studuī (+ Dat.)be eager , be zealous, take pains about, be diligent in, be anxious about, be busy one’s self with, strive after, apply one’s self to, pursue some course of action, desire, wish

suspēnsus, suspēnsa, suspēnsumraised, elerated, suspended, pressing lightly, touching lightly, light, uncertain, hovering, doubtful, wavering, hesitating, in suspense, undetermined, anxious

tāctiō, tāctiōnis ftouching, touch, sense of touch, feeling

tāctus, tāctūs mtouching, touch, handling, Influence, effect, operation, sense of feeling, feeling

tractātus, tractātūs mtouching, handling, working, handling, management, treatment, reflection, consideration, consultation, discussion, treatise, tractate, sermon, homily

trānscursus, trānscursūs mrunning through, darting through, flying through, running over, brief touching upon, cursory mention

tribūtōria, tribūtōriae faction for compensation, action for compensation

ultimātēultimate, without further action, immediate

vadārī, vador, vadātus sumbind over by bail to appear in court, take legal action, demand in court

verba ad rem cōnferōput his words into action

versārī, versor, versātus sumdwell, live, remain, stay, abide, be in a place, be, be circumstanced or situated, busy one’s self with any action, be engaged

vindicātiō, vindicātiōnis flaying claim to a thing, civil action for a thing, lawsuit for a thing, taking into protection, protection, defence, vindication, avenging, punishment


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