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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

Suchergebnis zu
"act of lessening":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Deut. Fund; Engl. Fund;

In Wendungen bleiben als Einzelwörter unberücksichtigt: of -

query 1/E (max. 1000): 70 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
acetāre, acetō, acetāvī, acetātumdo, act

āctiō, āctiōnis fdoing, performing, acting, action, act, public performance, public function, civil act, proceeding, duty, negotiation, deliberation, suit, process, pleading of a case

āctitātiō, āctitātiōnis fintense act

āctitāre, āctitō, āctitāvī, āctitātummuch act in, often be employed in

āctus, āctūs mperforming a thing, act, performance, public employment, business of state, representation of a play, representation of a part, representation of a character

adstrictiō, adstrictiōnis fpower of contracting, astringency, act of sharpening

adtenuātiō, adtenuātiōnis fdiminishing, lessening, simplicity

advertere, advertō, advertī, adversumturn a thing to, turn a thing toward a place, direct the mind, direct the thoughts, direct the attention to a thing, advert to, give attention to, attend to, heed, observe, remark, call the attention of one to a definite act, admonish of, urge to

advortere, advortō, advortī, advorsumturn a thing to, turn a thing toward a place, direct the mind, direct the thoughts, direct the attention to a thing, advert to, give attention to, attend to, heed, observe, remark, call the attention of one to a definite act, admonish of, urge to

aedificātiō, aedificātiōnis fact of building, building, constructing, structure, edifice, building up, instructing, edification

agere et celerāre statuōdecide to act quickly

agere, agō, ēgī, āctumact, perform, deliver, pronounce, do, labor, transact, be occupied with, think upon, have in view, aim at, pass (time), spend (time), conduct, manage, carry on, administer, represent by external action, play

alicuius partēs agōappear in someone's persona, act the part of someone else, represent someone, stand in for someone, substitute for someone

aliquem agōappear in someone's persona, act the part of someone else

amīcitiam servōnot act against friendship

amīcārī, amīcoract like a friend, behave as a friend

arvertere, arvertō, arvertī, arversumturn a thing to, turn a thing toward a place, direct the mind, direct the thoughts, direct the attention to a thing, advert to, give attention to, attend to, heed, observe, remark, call the attention of one to a definite act, admonish of, urge to

astrictiō, astrictiōnis fpower of contracting, astringency, act of sharpening

atrōcitās reīthe outrageousness of an act

attenuātiō, attenuātiōnis f (adtenuātiō)diminishing, lessening

attenuitās, attenuitātis fattenuation, mitigation, diminishing, lessening

bene agōact well, proceed according to justice and equity, proceed rightly, proceed correctly

bene mereorgain merit, earn merit, win merit, acquire merit, act meritoriously

cantāre, cantō, cantāvī, cantātummake something the subject of one’s singing, playing or song, sing, celebrate or praise in song, sing of, write poetry upon, represent a part, act

causam populī agōlead the cause of the people, act in the interests of the people

clēmenter factuma lenient act

cōgnōscere, cōgnōscō, cōgnōvī, cōgnitumbecome thoroughly acquainted with, learn by inquiring, examine, investigate, perceive, see, understand, learn, become acquainted with, recognize, acknowledge, identify, seek or strive to know something, inquire into, reconnoitre, act the part of a scout

collūdere, collūdō, collūsī, collūsumplay together, sport together, play with, keep up false appearances with one to the injury of a third person, have a secret understanding with one, act collusively

committere, committō, commīsī, commissumgive occasion that, give cause that, act so as that, bring punishment upon one’s self by an error or fault, incur, make one’s self liable to it

commōramin the presence of, before the eyes of, in the face of, before, in the own hands, in one’s presence, on the spot, forthwith, in the very act, present in one’s own person, presence, personally

cōnsīderātē agōact prudently, act thoughtfully

cōnsiliō agōact reasonably, act with prudence

cōnsilium alicuius sequortake someone's advice, follow someone's advice, act on someone's advice

contumācius mē gerōbehave defiantly, act defiantly

cōramin the presence of, before the eyes of, in the face of, before, in the own hands, in one’s presence, on the spot, forthwith, in the very act, present in one’s own person, presence, personally

cōrampresent in one’s own person, in one’s own presence, personally, in one’s presence, in their own hands, in the very act

crūdēlem mē praebeō alicuīact cruelly against someone, deal cruelly with someone

crūdēliter cōnsulō in aliquempunish someone cruelly, act cruelly against someone, deal with someone cruelly

damnāre, damnō, damnāvī, damnātumoccasion loss to, occasion damage to, harm, damage, condemn, doom, sentence one to any punishment, oblige one’s heir by last will and testament to the performance of any act

datiō, datiōnis fact of giving, allotting, distributing, giving up, surrender, the right to give or convey away property, right of alienation, gift

dēminūtiō, dēminūtiōnis fdiminution, decrease, lessening, abatement, right of alienation of one’s estate, diminutive form

dēprehendō aliquem in manifēsto scelerecatch someone in the act

dēscendere, dēscendō, dēscendī, dēscēnsumdescend to an act, descend to an employment, yield, agree to any act, acquiesce, depart, deviate, differ from

dēsipere, dēsipiō, dēsipuībe void of understanding, be silly, be foolish, act foolishly, be delirious, rave

dīminūtiō, dīminūtiōnis fdiminution, decrease, lessening, abatement, right of alienation of one’s estate, diminutive form

fortiter agōact vigorously

ineptīre, ineptiōtalk absurdly, act absurdly, trifle, play the fool

iūdicem aliquem addīcōallow someone to act as a judge

male agōact badly, behave badly

nunc dēmum agōn estnow we must act, now is the time for action

subdocēre, subdoceōteach as an assistant, act as an assistant-teacher

subsidiārī, subsidioract as a reserve, stand in reserve

summae reī praefectus sumact as superintendent

summae reī praepositus sumact as superintendent

supplicium, suppliciī nhumiliation, public prayer, public supplication, act of worship, sacrificing, offering, sacrifice, humble entreaty, humble petition, supplication, punishment, penalty, torture, torment, pain, distress, suffering

tōnstreiīnum, tōnstreinī nact of a barber, calling of a barber

tōnstrīnum, tōnstrīnī nact of a barber, calling of a barber

verba faciō apud populumact as a speaker in the people's assembly

verba faciō in cōntiōneact as a speaker in the people's assembly

vīlicāre, vīlicōact as bailiff, act as overseer, superintend, live in the country, reside in the country, manage an estate

vīlicārī, vīlicor, vīlicātus sumact as bailiff, act as overseer, superintend, live in the country, reside in the country, manage an estate

vīllicāre, vīllicōact as bailiff, act as overseer, superintend , live in the country, reside in the country, manage an estate

violenter mē gerōact wild, behave wildly, act fiercely

virginārī, virginoract like a virgin, behave like a virgin, to play the virgin

vīs alicuī allātaeviolent death, act of violence against someone, act of murder against someone

vīs fēstūcāriasymbolic act of violence, symbolic violence

vīsiō, vīsiōnis fact of seeing, sense of seeing, sight, vision, a thing seen, an appearance, apparition, image of a thing in the mind, an idea, conception, notion, supposition, case

vīsus, vīsūs mseeing, looking, look, glance, faculty of seeing, act of seeing, sight, vision, sight, organ of sight, a thing seen, appearance, apparition, seeming, probability

vitiōsē faciōact incorrectly, act wrongly

vitiōsē faciōact incorrectly, act wrongly


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