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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 13 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
congruere, congruō, congruīrun together with, come together with, meet together with something, coincide with, correspond with, be suited to, be adapted to, agree with, accord, suit, fit, be suited to, be fitted to, agree with (in substance), correspond, come together, agree, meet, coincide

cōnsentīre, cōnsentiō, cōnsēnsī, cōnsēnsumfeel together, agree, accord, harmonize with, assert unitedly, determine in common, decree, unite upon something accordantly, agree to any wrong, join in, plot together, conspire, take part in, to fit, suit

cōnsonāre, cōnsonō, cōnsonuīsound at the same time, sound together, sound aloud, resound, agree, accord, harmonize

cōnspīrāre, cōnspīrō, cōnspīrāvī, cōnspīrātumblow together, breathe together, sound together, harmonize, agree, accord, agree together in thought or feeling, accord, unite, combine, plot together, enter into a conspiracy, conspire

cōnstituere, cōnstituō, cōnstituī, cōnstitūtumfix, settle, order, manage, confirm, regulate, arrange, dispose, appoint something (for or to something), settle, agree upon, define, determine, accord, agree with one in a thing, appoint, concert, agree upon, assent to

convenientia, convenientiae fa meeting together, agreement, accord, harmony, symmetry, conformity, suitableness, fitness

convenīre, conveniō, convēnī, conventumcome together, meet together, assemble, meet one judicially, sue, bring an action against, summon before a tribunal, unite, join, combine, couple, agree with in wishes, agree with in decisions, accord, harmonize, fit with, it in, fit to something, suit, be adapted to

conventum, conventī nagreement, compact, covenant, convention, accord

convōcium, convōciī nharmony, accord, unison

cōvenīre, cōveniō, cōvēnī, cōventumcome together, meet together, assemble, meet one judicially, sue, bring an action against, summon before a tribunal, unite, join, combine, couple, agree with in wishes, agree with in decisions, accord, harmonize, fit with, it in, fit to something, suit, be adapted to

subscrībere, subscrībō, subscrīpsī, subscrīptumwrite underneath, write below, write down, sign, subscribe one’s name, set down, note down, assent to, agree to, approve of any thing, grant, allow, accord

succanere, succanōsing to, accompany, accord, agree

succinere, succinō, succinuīsing to, accompany, accord, agree

query 1/E (max. 1000): 30 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adhaerēscere, adhaerēscō, adhaesīcleave to, stick to, adhere, correspond to, accord with, fit to, suit

admodulāre, admodulōaccord with, harmonize with

admodulārī, admoduloraccord with, harmonize with

cohaerēns, cohaerentisbeing in accord, corresponding

cōnsēnsiō, cōnsēnsiōnis fan agreeing together, agreement, unanimity, common accord, harmony, plot, combination, conspiracy, those who have banded together, conspirators

cōnspīrātēwith one accord, unanimously

cōnstāre, cōnstō, cōnstitī, cōnstātūrusstand with, agree with, be in accord, be in agreement, correspond, fit

meā (tuā, suā, nostrā, vestrā) sponteof free will, of one’s own accord, of one’s self, freely, willingly, voluntarily, spontaneously

meā sponteof free will, of one’s own accord, of one’s self, freely, willingly, voluntarily, spontaneously

nostrā sponteof free will, of one’s own accord, of one’s self, freely, willingly, voluntarily, spontaneously

suā sponteof free will, of one’s own accord, of one’s self, freely, willingly, voluntarily, spontaneously

tuā sponteof free will, of one’s own accord, of one’s self, freely, willingly, voluntarily, spontaneously

ultrōto the farther side, beyond, on the other side, afar, away, off, superfluously, gratuitously, wantonly, on his part, on their part, of himself, of themselves, of one’s own accord, without being asked, spontaneously, voluntarily, of his own motion

ūnanimāns, ūnanimantisof one mind, of one accord

ūnanimus, ūnanima, ūnanimumof one mind, of one heart, of one will, of one accord, concordant, harmonious, unanimous

ūnianimis, ūnianimeof one mind, of one heart, of one will, of one accord, concordant, harmonious, unanimous

vestrā sponteof free will, of one’s own accord, of one’s self, freely, willingly, voluntarily, spontaneously


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